0:00:00 | ACC: “Please cut and paste widely!” (1:54:52 ) |
0:00:34 | Sexual Harassment Update: Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Trump Kirsten Gillibrand tweet: “I think only if your mind is in the gutter would you have read it that way”; JCD “melts in your mouth” QVC fudge isos; Gillibrand sounding like Gwen Stefani, to Christiane Amanpour: Trump should resign “immediately”; three Trump accusers at Brave New Films PR event, excerpt with Miss USA contestant describing backstage appearance; Mika Brzezinski “shaking in anger” at tweet, BBC’s Katty Kay: “you can be as good as the guys against… around you” |
0:15:08 | Bill O’Reilly to Glenn Beck on $200k Trump accusation tape; CBS on “sexist smear”, Congress turning to DoJ; accuser: “what am I gonna sue him for, being really creepy?”; Morgan Spurlock mea culpa, Salma Hayek “no no no” Weinstein article, David Corn on latest “busted” roster |
0:26:29 | Shitty Men in Media spreadsheet, “creepy DMs” and “inappropriate digital contact”; ABC praise for Alec Baldwin vs 2007 threatening phone message for eleven-year-old daughter |
0:39:11 | SNL staffer’s Facebag post: Al Franken “incredibly respectful of mostly everyone”; Steve Pieczenik on “psychological warfare” against Franken over Mosaic Company case; Eddie Fisher’s ex-wife Terry Richard on Larry King sliding hand “all the way down into the crack of my ass … I don’t know how he got it in there”; Kentucky Rep. Dan Johnson suicide over teen molestation accusation; Tavis Smiley Facebag video on firing, PBS “sloppy investigation” |
0:54:36 | Tennessee State University bans “whistling in a suggestive manner” |
0:55:55 | Mike Pence “long game” theory; Vogue promoting Gillibrand, Cecile Richards all-in on 2020 |
1:00:56 | Producer Segment |
1:10:39 | EU lawmakers vote against kebab meat phosphate ban |
1:11:42 | Spot the Spook: Dana Bash once married to CIA’s Jeremy Bash; agoraphobic Kim Basinger |
1:18:48 | Democracy Now on Alabama special election “highly divided by race and gender”, Trump “repeatedly endorsed Roy Moore” lie; halfhearted Trump “jobs, jobs, jobs” endorsement, Moore “it’s not over”, 23k write-in ballots; Democracy Now on Doug Jones prosecuting KKK 16th Street Baptist Church bombing cold case (CotD), JCD: “he might as well be black” |
1:32:45 | Chuck Schumer warns tax bill “death knell for the Republican party”, JCD: “is he a consultant for the Republicans all of a sudden?”; Pelosi: “no, it is the end of the world … like death, this is armageddon”, “it is in their DNA to give tax cuts to the rich”, Trump “trickle-down guy”; “giant tax cut for Christmas” vs “one that Eber… Ebeneezer Scrooge would love” |
1:40:20 | ACC getting constant calls after filling out healthcare.gov form, “butslammed” by producer |
1:44:40 | FCC to overturn unimplemented net neutrality rules, open letter from “internet pioneers”, FCC comment system “unexplained outage” due to John Oliver, “dumb pipes” and DNS |
2:00:38 | Nightline “disappearing” polar bear special; author Zac Unger to NPR on population high |
2:07:14 | Donation Segment: lingonberry/crowberry/blueberry jam from Dame Elise |
2:13:44 | Angela Rye screeches at Omarosa Manigault leaving White House, “you are skinfolk”; Omarosa describes Situation Room resignation talk; USA Today editorial board: Trump “unfit to clean toilets in Obama’s presidential library”, JCD: “he would have taken the blow job and complained about it!”, “enthusiastically supporting” Roy Moore lie, “5.5 false claims per day” |
2:29:10 | Sarah Silverman on being freaked out by boyfriend flying American flag, “Harvard doesn’t take out ads that say, Harvard: the world’s number one college, apply now!” vs actual Harvard ad |
2:36:59 | Mike Morell on 2016 “when I became political, right”, Trump vs CIA, JCD: “what a crock!” |
2:44:28 | FBI Peter Strzok “Textgate”; polar vortex “Alberta clipper”; Trey Gowdy “douchebags” |