0:00:32 | JCD unable to see Zephyr in London; first Sir Ramsey Cain best-of episode in a while |
0:02:00 | “If you’re one of over 50 million adults who suffer from a sore mouth...” (484@2:45:58 ) |
0:02:27 | Erin Burnett steamrollers Harvard law professor’s “violence in our media” (484@1:39:40 ) |
0:07:53 | Somewhere Over the Rainbow performed by MKULTRA children of Sandy Hook (483@2:53:39 ) |
0:09:36 | Ragu “veggies” ad and Yelp “yum” reviews (JCDPPotD) (139@0:43:13 ) |
0:11:14 | Guess the Movie: 2012, “the Mayans saw this coming thousands of years ago” (485@2:51:52 ) |
0:14:22 | ACC bans listening to sped-up show: “you miss all the nuance” (543@2:23:36 ) |
0:15:40 | JCD story: Barbara Boxer trying to pick up inspectors, idiot Feinstein (550@1:26:16 ) |
0:18:08 | Al Gore sexual assault allegation; Bruce Jenner car crash video released (742@2:26:53 ) |
0:24:02 | No Agenda utili-kilts and camo-kilts |
0:24:24 | Second Half of Show: fireball over Madrid, HAARP plasma; classified meteorites (505@2:28:25 ) |
0:30:36 | KSM girl band babes (483@1:23:52 ) |
0:31:35 | Thanksgiving “what are you thankful for” traditions and origin story (JCDPPotD) (123@0:29:36 ) |
0:36:47 | Guess the Movie: Conan the Destroyer (584@2:33:00 ) |
0:38:50 | JCD steps on ACC clip with “this better be good!” |
0:39:09 | Dr. Oz’ preferred after-sex food “soaked nuts” (473@2:19:55 ) |
0:40:06 | JCD on propagating fruit trees, PBS on “cloning” Washington’s cherry trees (504@2:08:27 ) |
0:43:38 | ACC’s proposed reaction to ubiquitous “it’s so funny” (742@0:10:41 ) |
0:45:26 | C-SPAN “if I can shit in your mouth” call-in question (783@1:11:57 ) |
0:46:58 | Heteroflexible Man jingle; Guess the Movie: Terror of Mecha-Godzilla (586@2:47:19 ) |
0:49:36 | ACC gas leak or skunk? JCD Skunk Awareness Week (597@1:19:52 ) |
0:51:22 | CVC’s Namibia Jungle VIPs fake tribe debacle (543@2:12:17 ) |
0:58:22 | Pop quiz: book with 300k in 2009 to-date sales Atlas Shrugged (137@1:14:47 ) |
0:59:46 | Finnish producer’s kid’s English test calls Obama “Barry” with birther memes (500@0:22:13 ) |
1:03:03 | Donation Segment: TtK’s daughter writing paper on pharmaceuticals and mass shootings |
1:08:04 | “Trompe” water-powered compressor and hydraulic energy storage (543@2:06:41 ) |
1:10:24 | Producer note on NOAA “party boats”, sex party scandal (794@2:16:11 ) |
1:14:16 | Second Half of Show: former CIA talks Roswell & Area 51, Reich and desertification (512@1:52:55 ) |
1:23:55 | Guess the Movie: Eraserhead, ACC: Blazing Saddles (597@1:47:26 ) |
1:26:24 | JCD talks “prison prep”, ACC: “prisonprep.com is already taken” (597@1:52:46 ) |
1:29:20 | Muslim doctors implanting explosives in women’s breasts according to MI5 (171@0:28:51 ) |
1:30:41 | TSA “Blogger Bob” Super Bowl tips, “valid identification at all times” (ACCPPotD) (484@1:46:22 ) |
1:36:40 | Guess the Movie: The Dark Knight Rises in Spanish (605@2:37:13 ) |
1:38:18 | ACC on reading Inspire magazine: “I can’t seem to get radicalized” (609@1:39:01 ) |
1:38:40 | Wonder Woman vs the Nazis clip, “nein nein nein nein” jingle (483@1:27:46 ) |
1:39:39 | Second Half of Show: flat earth and lighthouse visibility; NASA composite photos (783@2:22:53 ) |
1:47:12 | Obama “considered a native son” in Kenya (742@1:33:13 ) |
1:48:27 | ACC reads two-week soldier name list; Pelosi on “oath of office to protect and defend the American people”, ACC: “that is not your oath of office, bitch!!” (ACCPPotD) (522@2:39:21 ) |
1:50:19 | Death Wish IV “dialogue of the decade” overacting (607@2:25:38 ) |
1:52:02 | “Global Warming’s Six Americas” quiz classes JCD as a “dismissive” (509@0:48:00 ) |
2:01:55 | Second Half of Show: dead “part alien” operative Jeffrey Lash (742@2:32:49 ) |
2:04:15 | Guess the Movie: Ghostbusters for JCD, Death Wish III (608@1:30:08 ) |
2:06:33 | Berkeley residents unable to make left turn (JCDPPotD) (550@1:36:34 ) |
2:07:39 | X10 home automation system for JCD’s mother (504@0:14:40 ) |
2:09:17 | School pastor on tactical response team paintball fight with “angry parent” (517@1:43:18 ) |
2:12:27 | JCD on $10-17 in tax money per person to run a primary (JCDPPotD) (752@1:15:40 ) |
2:15:42 | And Now Back to Real News: emergency condom shipment for Vancouver Olympics (178@1:06:28 ) |
2:17:32 | JCD: self-proclaimed “geek girls” need ham radio licenses (473@2:34:49 ) |
2:19:24 | Entremets, ACC’s 142° for “what temperature” (584@2:31:32 ) |
2:20:51 | Guess the Network/Movie: NatGeo’s Alien Invasion and Thor: The Dark World (628@1:56:50 ) |
2:25:45 | JCD on playing cowboys and Indians, disappearance of cap guns (517@1:31:57 ) |
2:26:44 | JCD’s squeaky mike stand and Ranch Hand spray lubricant (669@2:26:47 ) |
2:27:53 | Ill-advised listening from Show 1, ACC’s desire to quit after Show 100 (634@0:02:31 ) |
2:29:52 | IBM exec lobbying for CISPA, Hollerith punchcard system for Third Reich (505@2:44:44 ) |
2:32:42 | ACC supposedly following Britney Spears on Twitter |
2:33:47 | Fun fact: TASER Thomas A. Swift’s Electric Rifle (512@0:51:05 ) |
2:35:09 | ACC on ham radio podcasts: “they all suck balls” (517@0:54:15 ) |
2:36:36 | The four essential ingredients in anti-North Korea propaganda (505@2:48:07 ) |
2:38:40 | War on Weed: NPR psycho mom “when you’re a kid, nope”, “zero-tolerance policy … which involves urine testing at home if we think we need it” (CotD) (609@1:55:00 ) |
2:43:43 | Guess the Movie: Frankenhooker (830@2:54:27 ) |
2:45:47 | “Too much cleavage” iso (543@2:45:41 ) |
2:46:16 | Outro: JCD UK meetup stories for Show 986 |