0:00:00 | ACC: “Are you ready now, are you ready, are you OK, are you sure, bleh bleh?” (0:05:50 ) |
0:00:35 | Twofer deal ending at midnight; ACC taken through VIP security on return from Netherlands, new “dangerous liquid” scanner in beta, Heathrow Terminal 5 security Nazis “worse than our TSA”, “British diesel dyke” types, “laid back” Austin kiosks; Über driver pipeline thesis tease |
0:08:50 | Manhattan truck attacker Sayfullo Saipov’s so-called “God is great” minus “in translation”, CNN’s Shimon Prokupecz: “police know who he is, they have a description of him, I’m not going to share that at the moment”; Jeff Glor’s annoyingly slow delivery, “without… bail”; Jeff Pegues: Uzbekistan “hotbed of radicalization”, iPhone X easy unlocking |
0:23:11 | Trump on ending visa “diversity program”, “Check Schumer beauty”, fake repeal attempt, Schumer “stop tweeting and start leading” meme, Gitmo and lightning-fast indictment; Nancy Cordes whipsaw to bump stock legislation; Bill de Blasio changes meme to “we hate Muslims” |
0:36:09 | Diversity Visa Lottery’s 55k green cards for “underrepresented countries” like Netherlands, Win Lose or Be Deported game show |
0:44:39 | “Shitty Media Men” updated to include NPR News Senior Vice President Mike Oreskes, “kissed them on the lips and stuck his tongue down their mouths without consent”, uncomfortable dinner with Rebecca Hersher; Dutch #MeToo and Kevin Spacey’s coming-out; Ruth Wallis’ You’ve Gotta Have Boobs, JCD: “make up your mind, ladies!” |
0:54:47 | Facebook, Twitter, and Google lawyers “that a great question” brown-nosing in Congressional hearings; only $46k in ads run before election, vs $81M from Clinton & Trump; Alan Dershowitz: “there are no crimes in collusion!”; looking for login from Russian IP address; Philip Mudd to Brolf on Facebook content from Internet Research Agency “troll farm” served to “more than half the total US voting population”, “we need a war room, where the National Security Agency and the CIA and the FBI are together with Facebook, giving that Facebook top secret information to react to … they gotta get this stuff off the internet” (CotD) |
1:08:37 | ABC tries to walk into St. Petersburg “troll factory”, “dozens of internet trolls are hard at work trying to exploit America’s divisions”, undercover video with “tight security and rows of trolls typing away”, “the bosses made all of the trolls watch the Netflix show House of Cards” (CotD); House of Trolls on Netflix, House of Trolls subcontractor “retirement plan”, Trollcoin |
1:26:21 | Producer Segment: Southern “Trolltown”; Maryland therapy goats; Amazon ditches Briney |
3:23:05 | Zero support for Catalonia from European leaders, Turkish Über driver draws Arab Spring parallel; Crans Montana Forum in Barcelona discussing “One Belt, One Road” initiative, silkroad.noagendanotes.com map with Chinese rail line across terminating in Madrid, Russian trolls blamed for Catalonia, economic belt through Afghanistan and Pakistan, Gwadar port in Baluchistan “gateway of prosperity”; State Department “New Silk Road” with India |
3:38:31 | $1T Chinese OBOR investment; JCD on “arsenic for syphilis” killing US economy to screw China; Hery Rajaonarimampianina of Madagascar meeting with Xi Jinping in March, airborne plague outbreak; Modi cross with China over Kashmir corridor plan; Kenya election issues |
3:52:23 | Tijuana sewage blamed for sickness in and around San Diego coast |
3:54:35 | Miss Peru contestants substitute crimes against women statistics for physical measurements |
3:56:46 | Hannity teases “The Great One” Mark Levin; producer note on Spain bringing in Ukrainian mercenaries; McCain Institute all-in on New Silk Road |
4:00:23 | James Mattis preaches Korean denuclearization at DMZ, North Korea threatening atmospheric nuclear tests; North Korean distraction from New Silk Road summit; Mike Pence at North Dakota’s Minot Air Force Base: “America always seeks peace”, bomber jacket with “Air Force Two” patch, ACC: “my other plane is Air Force One”; JCD on military intelligence vs CIA ability to deal with East Asia, Richard Burr’s refusal to look at Feinstein torture report, State Department spooks not allowed to read WikiLeaks documents |
4:10:31 | World Series win for Houston Astros because of Hurricane Harvey |
4:11:50 | Sarah Huckabee Sanders “epic fail” explaining tax system in terms of journalists and beer |
4:15:16 | Donation Segment: “offensive to Jews” jingle request; Steve Mnuchin the film producer |
4:46:07 | Full-page New York Times ad for November 4 Antifa rally: “The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!”, ACC: “brought to you by George Soros” |