Call Clooney!

928 Watergate II (2017-05-11)

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0:00:00ACC: “When there’s blood on the Moon, death lurks in the shadows! – it was a Western.”
0:00:36JCD’s new Windows 10 features are almost here, privacy settings tips
0:04:59Trump fires Comey: Dimension B befuddled, Jon Stewart has to tell Colbert’s audience not to cheer; Jeffrey Toobin The Emperor’s New Clothes reference, “they will put in a stooge who will shut down this investigation”, Chris Christie, Ken Cuccinelli: “once in a while one of them die, and they replace them, and lo and behold the investigation goes on”; MSNBC hounds Maxine Waters for “no credibility”, “it does not meet the smell test” (CotD)
0:19:42Judy Woodruff tongue-click riff, PBS Comey backgrounder, JCD: Ken Starr payback; Aspen Institute guy: 10-year term “to maintain the integrity and independence of the FBI” bullcrap, Mueller’s extension, JCD: “J. Edgar Hoover was a blackmailer”; Carl Bernstein on colluding with “the enemy”, MSNBC “attack” meme; Rachel Maddow narrates private plane taxiing, question about “what would physically happen to him in the immediate aftermath of his firing”, “all of this is unscripted … all of this is unprecedented”, precedent under Clinton
0:30:13Chris Cuomo bulldozing over Kellyanne Conway, Comey changing story on Abedin e-mails
0:37:54Afghan warlord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar demands US withdrawal, CIA history of drug-running
0:41:32The View reduced to whimpers by uncooperative Condoleezza Rice’s admiration for administration, Putin’s Hillary vendetta; Rice botch: “don’t even think about trying to end the isolation of the North Koreans”; new President Moon Jae-in offers to approach Pyongyang
0:55:34Ask Adam: “one notable exception so far on the Republican side” attacking Trump (McCain); Lavrov “you are kidding!”; Elizabeth Palmer quizzes hockey-playing Putin, “there will be no effect”, aide Dmitry Peskov: Trump’s hands tied on Russia relations, “seven goals” needle
1:05:33Producer Segment: Adam Curtis’ Hypernormalization; new Dr. Kiki science “latelyyy” iso
1:33:03ACC and back channel trying to resurrect expired domain during donation segment
1:34:52Tim Kaine Sally Yates firing lie; Ted Cruz on Trump’s “broad statutory authorization” to prohibit aliens, Yates cites irrelevant “race, nationality, or place of birth” visa provision; Pres. Jerry Nadler: firing proves collusion, “this is clearly part of a cover-up”; Cokie Roberts: Watergate fair comparison, JCD: false comparison, ACC on news tapes from US, JCD recommends comedy Dick, ABC fails to mention Deep Throat, JCD: “we do have Lindsey Graham”
1:49:18Rand Paul on Democrat hypocrisy, “wiretapping” definition, Schumer “six ways to Sunday”
1:52:22Phrase from the Chaise: blood on the Moon origin
1:53:32Two more German Army neo-Nazi plotters Portland woman triggered by Confederate flag
1:59:24ACC’s new address credit card woes, Post Office address change junk mail scam, Silk Road DNS seizures; Free Press’ Craig Aaron botches net neutrality explanation, Ajit Pai’s “weed whacker”, Comcast’s refusal to use Netflix appliances, Aaron: “make it harder for independent voices to be heard”, ACC: “Facebag!”, Ajit Pai on “spectacularly misnamed” Free Press goal
2:14:33John Oliver ISP graphic conveniently omits Time Warner, psychologist examines Oliver’s hypnotic format, FCC website flood war, Billboard flood by Harry Stiles fans; RT: TV ratings down 33%, ad prices up %20; iHeartMedia debt up to $24bn, ACC making the podcast rounds
2:23:36Donation Segment: ACC Eurovision Song Contest prediction: France
2:40:54Jakarta governor convicted of blasphemy, Ayatollah Khomeini and suicide bombing
2:46:16SJWs triggered by Cinco de Mayo cultural appropriation; six rules for “straight allies” at Pride Parade, “straight/cis folks”; husband rights in same-sex custody case; Betsy de Vos booed
3:01:47Volkswagen dividend boosted to €2; Helena Humphrey ditches dresses for standups