0:00:00 | JCD: “You got kittens? You got a little kitten outside meow wandering around, boom done!” |
0:00:35 | ACC’s boxed-up possessions, minimalist TtK, “I’m an archivist”, JCD’s mouse art display |
0:13:40 | Trump ditches White House Correspondents’ Dinner for Harrisburg speech, Bob Woodward droning; unfunny comedian Hasan Minhaj, “not see Steve Bannon”; Samantha Bee fake press conference, “speaking as a fringe nut-job survivalist who unaccountably drinks his own urine” |
0:25:17 | “CNN sucks!” chant at Trump Harrisburg speech, “thank you, man” for “blacks for Trump” sign, “not exactly the right time to call China a currency manipulator”; Paul Begala: Trump a “moral midget”; Brian Stelter on “many many alternative realities”, Jake Tapper on Korea “armada”, vaccine denial “life or death consequence”, Katy Tur “alternative set of facts” |
0:37:14 | Rob Reiner MSNBC rant on Sally Yates overhearing FLynn-Kislyak conversation (BCotD); Sweaty Sean tries to shift security clearance blame to Obama administration; statement from Flynn’s lawyer to Congress on DIA letter confirming DoD knowledge of RT event |
0:45:28 | Producer Segment: Phrase from the Chaise “sit there with your teeth in your head” |
1:12:13 | Climate change protests; Snopes: Dolph Lundgren vs Bill Nye educational bona fides “problematic”; Rayton Solar cutting silicon with particle accelerator, “an opportunity to back a disruptive solar technology”, $5M investment; NPR on climate change depression & anxiety twelve-step program, “I cry like every week” (CotD); Australia sponging up sea level rise |
1:29:57 | Mastodon SJWs flagging ACC as “abuser”, millennial crowdfunding pages, “loserdom” business model, dorm room window PayPal links; Mastodon “silenced” list with reasons, “it’s a free speech zone”, noagendasocial.com “alt-right KKK Nazi quadroons”, JCD: “actionable” |
1:40:43 | UC Davis Plan B pill vending machine “wellness machine”, “it encourages responsibility”; “rape adjacent” non-consensual condom removal; Instagram CEO Marne Levine on new “comment filtering” tool, “what we want people to do is to feel safe”, #PerfectlyMe campaign; FTC letters to “influencers” on brand relationships, PewDiePie deal with Warner Brothers |
1:54:40 | Kendall Jenner’s Fyre Festival promotion, organizer “ran out of gas” Bahamas flight story |
2:00:24 | Donation Segment |
2:09:57 | Dimension B uproar over Trump’s “I thought it would be easier” to John Dickerson; Bill “boned Ann Coulter” Maher on Berkeley crybabies, Howard Dean tweet: “hate speech is not protected by the First Amendment”; University of Toronto professor Jordan Peterson called out for “abusing students” by not using their pronouns, “of course it’s hate speech to tell someone that you won’t refer to them … in a way that recognizes their humanity and dignity” |
2:20:52 | China deports convicted “FBI spy” Sandy Phan-Gillis, FBI listening stations abroad, JCD waiting for FBI-CIA shootout; Silk Road “one belt one road” train arrival in China from London, CPEC China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and 40-year Gwadar Port lease |
2:28:30 | Writers’ Guild deadline, May Day protests over unpublished Working Families Flexibility Act |
2:34:05 | German army officer masquerading as Syrian refugee, “never made to write his name in Arabic” |
2:36:53 | Rising Star: the Making of Barack Obama “friendship beyond the classroom” between “Barry” Obama and openly gay professor Lawrence Goldin, consideration of same-sex relationship, author: true sexual orientation “not something I speculate upon”, JCD: “the guy’s trying to say yes”, ACC: “so apparently it is a choice”, $400k healthcare conference speech |
2:44:04 | Milpetas school bald eagle nest, JCD: “these birds are pests!”, back yard golden eagle run-in |
2:46:41 | North Korean parade with outdated weapons technology from 1960s, mocked-up missiles |
2:49:23 | Insider: Chaffetz resigning because of threats to family; Fox veterans forming alternative |