0:00:00 | ACC: “Hate him, hate him, hate him, hate him, hate hiiim!” (0:35:52 ) |
0:00:35 | ACC’s 33 “of course” utterances on Show 915; 65th birthday gift for JCD, no record of each others’ addresses; decadent ACC tosses wet socks in trash, JCD on car keys in refrigerator |
0:06:03 | White House RSS consolidation, Greek Independence Day, National Poison Prevention Week; nuclear in energy independence Executive Order, “social cost of carbon” committee disbanded, JCD on clean coal, Brian Williams’ “leader of the free world” microaggression, 70k coal jobs “hard to ramp up”, “real substantive news for our children and our children’s children” |
0:16:03 | Al Gore “we make a lot more money, we save a lot more money”; energy “merit order” and taxpayer costs; geoengineering with aluminum oxide & diamonds, Snowpiercer film |
0:23:43 | Farage on Article 50; Theresa May announcement in Parliament, “Mr. Boswell, calm yourself”, Scottish ruckus; Tusk on EU law still applying; EU veto, WTO “faux sovereignty” |
0:37:58 | RT on Article 50, “great stop-sweeper” iso, Germany liable for additional €4bn after Brexit, Alex Jones “good try, scumbag!”; JCD on EU bike path fanboys; Sex Pistols’ John Lydon: Trump “terrifies politicians”; uptick in “Trump lovers” tweets, JCD: “I generally report ‘em” |
0:48:18 | Sarah Silverman on pipeline and banks; Chris Matthews compares Kushner & Ivanka to Uday & Qusay Hussein; Brian Williams on Sean Spicer’s “stop shaking your head again” to April Ryan (BCotD); CNN: “when he calls somebody an idiot”, melodramatic Ryan sigh, “I have no agenda”, “it’s not about me”, Hillary: “patronized and cut off”, Maxine Waters “taunted with a racist joke about her hair”; Bill O’Reilly: “I was looking at the James Brown wig”, ACC: “have you heard any other hair jokes in the past two years?”; Ted Koppel making the rounds to call Fox News “bad for America”; Mike Cernovich on Hillary Parkinson’s story |
1:16:26 | Producer Segment |
1:35:05 | NCIS: Los Angeles: “there are no experts on these podcasts” |
1:37:55 | Mayim Bialik on “guy friend” admiring “girl”; “personfriend”; ACC on rebellion via gender identity, grammatical gender, Berkeley student kills teacher over pronoun |
1:52:11 | United Airlines leggings scandal, Shannon Watts ruckus, ACC on KLM free passes and tie requirement, laughter over man’s promise to wear leggings; Santa’s Husband book |
1:58:29 | Rachel Dolezal blames “white media, the white parents, the white police” for controversy |
2:04:00 | McCain on “crazy fat kid” Kim Jong-un; South Korea not all-in on THADD with 50% failure |
2:07:49 | Donation Segment |
2:18:20 | MP Victoria Atkins on RAF Romania deployment for nonexistent “vital border” with Russia; CBS on Russia paying hackers to create fake news, Senate investigation of “wave of cyberattacks”, “thousands of internet trolls” (BCotD); Donna Brazile on Sirius 127: content “weaponized to sow discard”, “I stopped going on TV”, “goddamn it, I know the different between America and something that’s foreign and ain’t nobody ever cussed me out on those kinda words cause I don’t even understand what those words cause I can cuss you back”, agrees with Dick Cheney on “act of wuaw”, “the fake e-mails, the spoofin’” |
2:35:41 | Defense analyst to BBC on new arms race with Russia; Russia flexing muscles in Libya; Pelley “debunks” uranium tweet, “no credible sources”, Hillary “could not have stopped the deal” lie |
2:43:01 | Roger Stone buttslams McCain on Coast to Coast AM; Paul Ryan subtly blames Obama; Evelyn Farkas admits wiretapping, “get as much intelligence as you can”; Randy Quaid on government “sock puppets”; Congress votes to roll back broadband privacy protections |
2:55:21 | Chinese citizens investing in real estate, ACC Nordstrom “day trading” comment |