0:00:00 | JCD: “I’m going to live forever!” (0:27:49 ) |
0:00:35 | Elaine Chao on “deteriowating infrastructure”, “we allow foreign, we allow different kinds of money, private sector money, to come into the United States, I’m not saying foreign”, avoids mention of toll roads; JCD on Golden Gate Bridge “always going to be free” |
0:13:09 | Commerce Secretary Ross on ZTE Corporation $1.19bn fine for doing business with Iran |
0:16:44 | Day Without a Woman protest, middle-aged white women; cross-eyed Hillary Snapchat “stand up, resist”; Reagan: “if fascism ever comes to America, it’ll come in the name of liberalism”; JCD on homeschooling infrastructure; JCD DH Unplugged keyboard-kicking |
0:30:21 | WikiLeaks “Vault 7” CIA document release, “praise” from Trump: “WikiLeaks, I love WikiLeaks”, Mike Morell: “this is CIA’s Edward Snowden” (BCotD); RT on Frankfort surveillance hub, “Umbrage” program for mimicking foreign attackers; Assange’s dead man’s switch |
0:43:07 | Leon Panetta dodges PBS questions on zero-day vulnerability hoarding, zero-days explained, San Bernardino scenario, keyboards with built-in keyloggers; Trump-Assange collusion |
0:55:48 | Scott Pelley’s list of Panetta bona fides, “is it appropriate to ask whether the President is having difficulty with rationality?”, Panetta: “the coin of the realm for any president is trust”; “heat of the meat” Colbert; ex-CIA Larry Johnson to RT on Mike Rogers’ Trump Tower trip |
1:07:20 | Producer Segment: Sonny Liston jail cell 33 at Missouri State Penitentiary |
1:21:04 | No Agenda list of old-fashioned turns of phrase, “wreck of the Hesperus” |
1:24:48 | Jane Kaczmarek: “this president has so hurt the feelings of every human being in this country”, “no common ground”; CNN boycotts White House travel ban signing photo; Pelosi defends Cedric Richmond’s “she really looked kind of familiar in that position” Kellyanne Conway comment; Barbra Streisand “gaining weight” because of Trump; CNN FOIA for inauguration crowd photos; CNN “loses feed” of Rep. Scott Taylor over domestic terrorism refugee numbers |
1:35:57 | Maxine Waters on Obama administration propagating intelligence reports, “I wonder sometime if he’s not taking his cues from Putin” on Mexico wall; Bakari Sellers: “now we have to go back and prove a lie to be a lie, which is a little bit illogical”; Mika Brzezinski on Trump “spinning out of control and sending out tweets that then ricochet around the world”, Joe Scarborough Jewish Sabbath meme; Eric Garcetti reelected in Los Angeles with 250k turnout |
1:49:02 | CBS on Laura Hunter profile picture hijack in “continuing effort to separate fact from fiction”, “fake blogger” & “fake news”; contacts between Trump campaign and “Russian operatives” |
1:59:48 | Amy Kremer on declassifying FISA warrants, Paul Begala on “batty” Trump theories; Robbie Mook: aides “talking to Russian agents”; Clapper: no wiretap activity or collusion; ACC story: MTV’s Kennedy “broke my ass”; Kennedy accused of “playing into Putin’s hands”, Silicon Valley “greedy pigs” (BCotD); Josh Earnest dodges questions from Martha Raddatz |
2:15:21 | Martha Raddatz “if, if, if, if!” to Sarah Huckabee Sanders; Mika Brzezinski: White House sending all women to clean up mess, Joanna Coles likens presidency to horror movie |
2:23:11 | American Health Care Act draft’s lottery winners provision; Über worth more than Costa Rica & Panama; Alex Jones admits to Joe Rogan he sold out on Y2K |
2:30:08 | Donation Segment |
2:39:16 | Michael Hayden blames CIA leak on millennials; retail bubble and “small batch” shopping; ACC cancels Plated over quinoa & kale; kids drinking hand sanitizer |
2:48:08 | North Korea missile test; Chinese warned against visiting South Korea; UK Defense Minister Fallon all-in on NATO; Futurama “Facebag”; Bill O’Reilly war on “at the end of the day” |