0:00:00 | ACC: “I’m gay, I’m gay, hello I’m gay. I’m gay! I should be on MSNBC.” (0:15:35 ) |
0:00:34 | Rainsticks working in UK |
0:02:01 | David Petraeus & Bob Harward decline to accept Flynn’s position, “excrement sandwich” |
0:05:15 | Trump press conference media compilation; “sit down” for Jewish reporter, “least anti-Semitic person”; Shep Smith: “we are not fools” for taking issue with Russia, JCD: “Shep is looking for work”; Trump: “I’m changing it from fake news, though — very fake news” |
0:16:42 | David Brooks on “rhetoric straight out of the fascist playbook”; Yale psychology professor: not mentally ill; fist-pounding Joe Scarborough: “the press always wins!”, Wall Street Journal “bending over backwards” for administration; CBS Flynn “fired” meme, criminal charges “unlikely”; Bill Maher: “this is the most serious political scandal we’ve ever had in the United States!”; CBS on Russian “cyberattacks on Democratic Party officials” |
0:30:26 | McCain to Chuck Todd: “a fundamental part of that New World Order is a free press”, “I hate the press, I hate you especially”, creepy McCain laugh |
0:33:22 | Debbie Wasserman Schultz on “possible high crimes and misdemeanors”; 25th Amendment Article 4, JCD on Democrats retaking Congress, Pence the Dominionist ten-year scenario |
0:38:25 | CNBC on retirement job opportunities: wheelchair repair and voiceover work |
0:40:58 | Trump fan Gene Huber on stage at Melbourne FL rally, salutes cardboard cutout daily, CNN “fake news” jab; ex-NSA shill Malcolm Nance: “these people need to start getting lawyers and cutting deals”; Obama FISA application for Manafort & Stone |
0:55:37 | Lame Milo Yiannopoulos appearance on Bill Maher; Overtime show on gay vs transgendered as mental disorder, Nance: “Port Said and Naples” gay joke, Larry Wilmore: “you can go fuck yourself, all right?”, ACC: “fuck you, fag!!”, Nance: “fuck off” (CotD) |
1:06:20 | Producer Segment: Dame Tanya Weiman promotes Rob McCue’a The Fat Monk |
1:18:27 | Geert Wilders Moroccan “scum” misreporting, “scared” meme, “Moroccan thugs” translation vs English “not all are scum”; Wilders on not leaving home due to death threats, MH-17 “Russian fascism” sneak attack, “point!” wrap-up, cultural relativism; Merkel-Szydlo talks; Le Pen candidacy “capped at 35-40%”; “visa liberalization” for Ukraine |
1:36:26 | Prank Ukrainian Prime Minister telephone calls to John McCain and Maxine Waters |
1:49:18 | RT on AP National Guard story based on fake Homeland Security memo; Kim Jong Nam rumors; Ami Horowitz on Swedes all-in on open borders, crime surge glossed over; John Dickerson on Trump vs the courts, McCain in Munich introduced by Bono, inappropriate Zsa Zsa joke, “the West: a new and different and better kind of world order” |
2:06:24 | Donation Segment |
2:14:28 | Jewish carrying prohibition workaround with simulated wall “eruv”, ACC: “Jew hack” |
2:17:35 | Trump podcast on working for women in business; coal mining restrictions lifted, JCD on the virtues of coal fireplaces, “fantastic product to burn”, ACC on Churchill and London fog |
2:23:29 | Don Lemon storms off after Paris Dennard defines fake news as “what we’re doing right now”; PBS: “it’s as if voters are living in two completely different worlds” in Texas, Trump Cafe in Bellville vs Bouldin Creek Cafe in Austin, ACC: “Man Bun Cafe”, “burn the man bun” to North Korea; Tiffany “psoriasis” Trump shunned at New York Fashion Week, Whoopi to the rescue; NYT columnist Charles Blow “don’t touch me” to Kayleigh McEnany |
2:38:39 | Clip Blitz: China bans coal imports from North Korea; machete killings in East Congo; NATO “membership fee”; landslide in Slide Canyon California, JCD: “named after Jethro Slide” |