0:00:00 | ACC: “Okaay!” |
0:00:33 | California drought on hiatus; ACC live desktop screencast |
0:03:19 | Tim Kaine’s “good job running”, “alternate reality”; Lena Dunham’s “sympathy for the societal structures” that prompted women to vote for Trump, “safe and affordable reproductive care”; The Man in the High Castle and alternate universe meme |
0:13:51 | Flu “I’m sick” iso, H3 strain, “tested negative for flu, but says now she plans to get the vaccine” |
0:18:10 | By Any Means Necessary’s Yvette Felarca: “Milo Yiannopoulos is a fascist”, in Berkeley to “wage attacks”, “I think that the left has been far too timid for way too long”, “let me finish” |
0:30:20 | Zach Iscol on trying to get Iraqi interpreter “Frank” to US, case “moving forward”; Rachel Maddow “we do not give any Fs” iso; Frank “wore our Marine Corps uniform in combat, something that very few Americans do today”, Gen. John Kelly “uniform in combat” meme |
0:48:28 | EU pushing for Libyan migrant camps; Obama in 2015: “we simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked”; Judy Woodruff falsely asserts no attacks from seven travel ban countries; Angela “full retard” Rye: “no one was keeled”, “if we’re gonna use 9/11 as the bait, then we should talk about the 9/11 countries” |
0:55:44 | Protests in Phoenix over deportation of Guadalupe Garcia de Rayos “one of the first victims of President Trump”; NBC’s Nicolle Wallace to Trump voter: “don’t you think that’s un-American, y’know, Statue of Liberty?”; 2015 ISIS blank passport report (BCotD); Bill Kristol: “if things are so bad … with the white working class, don’t you want to get new Americans in?”, “after two, three, four generations of hard work everyone becomes kind of decadent, lazy, spoiled, whatever” (CotD); JCD’s liberal journalist slams the working class |
1:08:31 | Producer Segment |
1:24:57 | Turkish man sentenced in massive ATM robbery case, “it was cash, it’s untraceable” |
1:31:36 | Gayane Chichakyan on leaked White House information painting Trump in negative light; Maria Bartiromo on three Muslim brothers in congressional IT positions fired for unauthorized access to national security information; David Brooks on White House staff in “high state of misery because of the general lack of chaos” (BCotD); ACC suggests upcoming “cycle event”; CBS hit piece on Michael Flynn’s communication with Russian ambassador; rumors fly about Putin potentially handing over Snowden; Russian girl on The Bachelor recalls “eating lipstick” |
1:51:29 | alexa.com rankings indicate online journalistic outlets’ spike in phony ad traffic from China |
1:58:04 | ACC’s podcasting interview on EénVandaag cut down to “fifteen seconds, with shit sound!” |
2:00:23 | Donation Segment |
2:10:36 | Mara Tierney on having car towed “repossessed”, forgets what city she’s in; JCD peanut “fisting method” with porn soundtrack; Girl Scout and mother robbed at gunpoint |
2:14:40 | Al Franken dodges Bill Maher’s illegal voting question; 2008 convicted felons story revisited |
2:17:53 | “The List” of skipped topics: millennials avoiding ultrasound, JCD on shoe store fluoroscopes; TSA opt-outs; female millennials taking up smoking, triggered by personal comments; Ninth and Twenty-fifth Amendments, 2018 Trump impeachment meme |
2:28:51 | Paris riots over man’s alleged sodomization with police baton |
2:30:33 | RT on New York Times fake news, Mnuchin foreclosure, State Department exodus; Gayane Chichakyan on Muslim IT staffer working for Debbie Wasserman Schultz, NSA contractor’s 50 TB of stolen files (CotD); Chris Cuomo compares “fake news” with ethnic slur; AP’s Garance Burke to UCTV on “debunking” fake news for the Facebags; Trump’s art of exaggeration |