0:00:38 | ACC “the original puker”, Patricia all-in on Leo Laporte’s off-air trained voice, “radio! yeah! I might get laid!”, ACC story: radio station WITB “we’re in the basement”/“we’re into bong hits”, turning fellow DJ L.T. lesbian; No Agenda Mobile iPhone app; ACC back from Portugal, linguiça and cork trees revisited, drug decriminalization |
0:10:56 | JCD Tea Party warning robo-call, “tea-bagging” meme, Glenn Beck’s involvement |
0:15:23 | ACC reviews Vila Monte’s Orangerie restaurant, apéritif with white port and lemon, 2005 Cliff Richard Vida Nova; new No Agenda Wikipedia entry |
0:21:37 | And Now Back to Real News: Ashton Kutcher vying with CNN for Twitter followers, Hugh Jackman phoning in tweets; Marilyn Chambers dead at 56, JCD on meeting her at CES, Behind the Green Door, “I really admire your work”; scripted Susan Boyle appearance on Britain’s Got Talent; Patricia perfect for Embarrassing Bodies show; ACC looking at turbo prop aircraft, “hole in the back” restroom |
0:34:26 | Radio show caller on DHS importing bird flu; freegans revisited; Lehman Brothers take delivery of 450k pounds of yellow cake uranium from futures investment; G20 and the list of exactly zero tax havens eliminated |
0:43:46 | Dolphins block Somali pirates from Chinese ship, St. Augustine pirate vs emperor story, ACC on terrorism by way of desperation, local news “not a battle we can ignore”, simultaneous head shots by Navy SEALs in Maersk Alabama incident, “You Are Being Lied to About Pirates” article; “homegrown terror” meme, “right-wing extremists” among returning veterans; Ann Coulter transsexual rumor, JCD: “well, she keeps her figure”, University of California lecture |
0:56:26 | And Now Back to Real News: absurd CSI: NY un-copied flash drive run over by train; Dave deBronkart article on electronic medical records full of inaccurate insurance codes; JCD story: insurance inside scoop from speeding ticket traffic school instructor subsequently arrested |
1:05:16 | Laptops carried by Boeing employees killed in Turkish Airlines 1591 crash sent back to Boeing |
1:08:06 | Donation Segment: no donations to end show; $13.37 “leet”, $69.69 |
1:14:25 | United Airlines to charge fat people for extra seat, “fat activist”; JCD story: woman at Sea-Tac with peculiar body type pleading for second seat, “this woman’s butt was the size of a Hummer”, Rubens paintings and pubic hair, ACC vs JCD on family members wandering around unclothed, CVC’s topless tanning, ACC: “you hold your fork wrong, too” |
1:21:49 | ACC rediscovers vim , JCD: “I like DOS!”; CIA prisons in Poland, EFF files motion to return electronics seized from Boston College student using operating system “prompt commands” |
1:25:19 | JCD’s orphan e-mail addresses in notes without holder’s name, Twitter simplification |