0:00:00 | ACC: “Mister Tic, that’s right!” (0:48:51 ) |
0:00:33 | “Plato Say” giblet on CreateSpace; ACC’s Yamaha alto recorder virtuosity |
0:04:27 | James Clapper on Russia’s “even more aggressive cyber-posture”, “I want to foot-stomp a few points”, RT exploiting “every fissure they could find in our tapestry” |
0:12:05 | “TLP Amber” JAR with pages of useless tips; Assange on commercially available malware; DNC investigation outsourced to CrowdStrike; Podesta “password” password; Ray McGovern: NSA would have detected Russian activity; Assange’s Seth Rich fund; James Woolsey: “this is not an organized operation”; NBC trots out McCain, ACC on odd body language, Kelly Ayotte replacement Amy “dingbat” Klobuchar |
0:29:50 | CBS: “all US intelligence agencies are in agreement” on Russian activity; 140 of 900 IP addresses in Netherlands; BBC struggles to dissect Trump “it won’t happen” reaction to North Korean ICBM boast, ACC: MSM “being cut out”; Schumer promises petty disruption |
0:40:59 | Josh Earnest: JAR tips on avoiding Russian hacks proof of Russian hacks “pretty definitively” |
0:48:33 | Obama’s new tic; George Webb’s YouTube videos, disappearance of Chelsea’s buddy Eric Braverman, KKR arms sales in Libya, Clinton-Giustra partnership, new Nigeria-to-Morocco pipeline, Peter & Mark Kadzik pardons, Trans-Anatolian gas pipeline, Podesta & Blumenthal, ACC Pizzagate arms deal codeword theory; Snopes: “no evidence”, Eric Turi also MIA |
1:04:21 | New Rachel Maddow codeword “teased out” for Jeff “racis’” Sessions |
1:07:27 | CNN on Trump and Hollywood, “very unpopular president right now”, ; Progressive 127 on Rockettes “forced to dance”; yet another celebrity anti-Trump “obstruct” video for Congress |
1:15:27 | Producer Segment: ACC tries ant “the other red meat” chocolate |
1:23:43 | Schumer: Obamacare replacement will “make America sick again”; Pelosi: “you want grandma living in the guest room?”; top countries on antidepressant list, JCD on Korean energy drinks |
1:28:41 | Don Lemon panel on Civil War “racial amnesia” and Trump Mexican & Muslim “racist notions”, JCD on Britain & France gold rush Civil War instigation conspiracy theory; Bitcoin “not useful money” caveat, “betcha wish you had more!!”, JCD on Patreon & No Agenda FAQ; Ev Williams fires 1⁄3 of Medium staff; JAR tips fail to mention encryption, keybase.io |
1:44:12 | Six-Week Cycle: Glendon Scott Crawford convicted for X-ray “death ray” device for Muslims bought from FBI; Pink Floyd Money war on cash jingle |
1:47:12 | New final syllable stretching uptalk dialect, JCD: “it’s a milieu”; new meme “fact-free”; Alan Tonelson to Thom Hartmann on history of NAFTA, Trump vs “trade status quo” |
1:57:26 | Mein Kampf flying off shelves in Germany; controversy over police “Nafris” for North Africans |
1:59:16 | Soap opera “I got hammered” over 2016 “crap year”; California S.B.1322 “don’t arrest underage hookers” law, “limousine liberals”; California’s 806k licenses for uninsured illegals |
2:03:40 | Chicago kidnapping and torture of mentally challenged white kid, no outrage from media |
2:06:17 | Tucker Carlson challenges Sacramento professor Joseph Palermo on 98%: “you’re a member of a religious sect that can’t deal with honest questions”; Carlson to replace Megyn Kelly |
2:16:49 | Donation Segment: JCD Mutton & Mead jingle request |
2:24:34 | Camille Paglia feedback: gender reassignment and amputation; mother of tomboy transgender girl on meeting LaVerne Cox, ACC: “let the kid grow up a little bit”, apotemnophilia & body identity integrity disorder; John McAffee scatology left to show notes; show notes search tips |
2:35:23 | Richard Engel on Istanbul shooter’s escape despite nearby police station; airport baggage handler trapped in United cargo hold, JCD: “that sonovabitch Louie locked me in again!” |