0:00:00 | ACC: “Yes, Russians, the Russians, the Russians are riling up our children!” (2:06:55 ) |
0:00:38 | JCD’s backwards microphone; LA meetup disrupted by ACC & TtK’s “commitment to grow old together, magnetic loop engagement rings, Dutch media fail, JCD: ”I lost fifty cents“ |
0:10:43 | “Worst year evarr” meme due to celebrity deaths, George Michael “love & light” hypocrites |
0:16:07 | Daily Show co-creator Lizz Winstead on inauguration: “you wanna literally destroy the lives of me and my family”, We the People concert celebrity “A-listers” vs “Craigslisters” |
0:22:23 | MSNBC Winners & Losers with Jason Johnson: Putin’s “Manchurian candidate”, Kanye West biggest loser, “he said that racism is bad”; Mother Jones’ David Corn on “the spy” sending Russian intelligence to FBI, “this that the other thing”; Putin on the Ritz jingle |
0:34:10 | Eni-Rosneft joint venture, Putin announces Syrian ceasefires; Graham & McCain “like an old gay couple” promise to go after Putin; proposed €500k fake news fine, Twitter’s DMCA safe harbor; AP style guide: Über “ride-hailing”; ACC’s Obama thank you note, “become a factivist” — for a price; Show 571 television & radio “still the most trusted sources” PSA |
0:51:09 | JCD Christmas Day at Disneyland, Blue Bayou & Club 33, ACC: “yeah we know, thank you” |
0:56:23 | JCD Rogue One review: “I didn’t think much of it”; ACC on Café Society |
1:01:42 | Producer Segment: ACC-TtK Australia & New Zealand trip |
1:28:10 | CBS News on Trump team request for State Department gender programs, “striking resemblance to dark chapters in our history marked by enemies lists and political witch hunts” |
1:32:34 | BSA removes eight-year-old tomboy transgender boy from Cub Scouts; CVC all-in on Camille Paglia: transgenderism as fashion for the alienated, “assault on masculinity”, CVC: next up transgender toys, Paglia on Brown University paying for reassignment surgery |
1:49:16 | JCD on atrazine and rBST in food supply, “the EPA is stupid”; Cub Scouts/Brownies merger |
1:56:35 | 35 Russian “operatives” ejected over election meddling, FBI/DHS evidence still classified |
1:58:39 | Trump Tower evacuation over “suspicious” bag of toys; fights break out at at malls nationwide; JCD recommends film Over the Edge; Mexico teen birthday party million-plus Facebag RSVPs |
2:07:18 | JCD LA meetup report, Citizen special drinks menu, Mimi the conversation “expediter” |
2:14:54 | Donation Segment |
2:25:35 | Tech News: Dutch “PIN jackets” for cashless donations, ACC’s 1990s e-banking Hell; iPhone factory reset PSA; Arkansas Amazon Echo murder subpoena; Aleppo Twitter girl’s mother writing the tweets; “virtual date” in Peter Gabriel album; MacBook Pro and iOS 10 issues |
2:45:40 | “November 7-5-7 Alpha Foxtrot ... have a nice flight and thanks for making ATC great again” |
2:47:49 | Blizzard in Upper Midwest, flight cancellations, Grand Canyon survival story |
2:49:33 | Michael Bolton on UN resolution 2334 nullifying post-1967 242 “land for peace”: “extraordinarily radical step” by Obama “to box in his successor”; Obama-Netanyahu-Trump “kerfluffle”, Trump “slamming the UN”; Kerry “compelled to respond” on UN vote, cough & tongue tells; Krauthammer on UN’s uselessness: “imagine if headquarters were in Zimbabwe”; Alan Dershowitz: “according to the United Nations, Jews kill babies and take their organs” |
2:59:11 | Obama “if I had run again”; RT on historic Democrat debacle; Obama “fifty-seven states”, Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison: “I believe we need not just a 57-state strategy, but a 3143 thousand county strategy” (CotD); White House prayer rugs, Snopes on 57 states of Islam and OIC, ACC story: 52 states at Dutch school; Obama tribalism “resist [we much]” |
3:10:29 | Tiger Woods on NCAA ethics red tape; Kim Jong-un replaces Christmas with grandmother’s birthday; HGTV “the network of house-flippers and decorators” beats CNN (CotD) |