0:00:00 | JCD: “Hey, would you like to make ten bucks?” (0:54:26 ) |
0:00:36 | Getting stream listeners to collect time codes for clean version; podcast verification service |
0:05:02 | Max Keiser on Ofcom censorship: UK “totalitarian propaganda state”, “the UK regulator gives us scripts to read on our show”, “right up there with Pol Pot”; Liz Wahl’s resignation revisited: “government that whitewashes the actions of Puʔɨn”, “abusive relationship” on The View, to CNN on disinformation, “now they’ve succeeded in hacking our election” non-sequitur |
0:17:39 | Joy Behar hysterical over “hammer and sickle” on American flag; NBC “exclusive” on Putin directing use of DNC e-mails, $85bn non-sequitur; Harry Reid crackpot memes; Josh Earnest: “ample evidence” of Trump-Putin collusion; Trump & Bush dummy vs genius memes; Keith Olbermann “Russian scum!” rant, “resist, peace!”; “beyond Botox” Nancy Pelosi lies about Iraq WMDs: “the intelligence community never said that”; Michael Hayden: “we got it wrong” |
0:36:54 | Intelligence agencies refuse to send briefers to Intelligence Committee Russia hearing, Peter King: “absolutely disgraceful”, Clapper: “we don’t have good insight” into WikiLeaks |
0:45:51 | Larry Lessig offering free legal counsel for electors who ditch Trump for Hillary |
0:48:08 | Eliot Engel on uncooperative CIA; NYT “swell of evidence” headline; Earnest substitutes China for Russia; hysteria spreading to Germany, “migrant sex attacks” to oust Merkel, “Viagra plug”; John Bolton “false flag”, Russian “smart” vs “dumb” services; Andrew Napolitano on hack vs leak, NSA would have known; ACC Valerie Jarrett legacy theory; DCCC exfiltration, JCD Republicans “follow the money” theory |
1:05:36 | Producer Segment: new DEA code number for marijuana extract |
1:16:34 | Unite for America celebrity video for Electoral College, “I stand with you”; JCD’s bet with journalists pays off; Federalist Papers background; The View: “there’s a glimmer of hope on the Constitution!”, Barbara Walters washes her hands of show; Chuck Todd: switch to delegate system, Matthew Continetti gets it right, JCD’s “enlightened view”: “they hate Trump” |
1:32:28 | New Trump hotel lease excludes elected officials; JCD anti-Trump rant compilation |
1:37:53 | Nigel Farage on trio of events signalling “democratic revolution”, “EU militarization” |
1:42:50 | Canadian journalist Eva Bartlett: international organizations relying on SOHR & White Helmets, “recycled” children in videos; NBC on “last messages”, “door-to-door” executions, Twitter-verified seven-year-old, “the exodus of misery isn’t over”, Beirut signoff, JCD: “he might as well be in London!”, ACC predicts girl reported dead; RT: Kirby denies dancing in the streets, CNN deconstruction, Lawrence Wilkerson: Assad opposition in US, not Syria |
2:01:17 | Indian rupee crisis: “86% of all currency in circulation” demonetized, “black money”; UBS pushing for Australia to scrap larger notes; no cash for the homeless, JCD: “screw the poor!”; ACC’s ASMDSS “suck it up Buttercup” hoodie |
2:06:59 | Producer Segment: show on January 1; ham rig dame ring tweet |
2:13:05 | Tech News: illegal Über self-driving cars in San Francisco, “whirligig on the top”; V2V “vehicle-to-vehicle”; 1bn Yahoo accounts compromised in 2013; Georgia Secretary of State vulnerability scans traced to DHS; Trump tech meeting, JCD on 1960s “sex books” and 1970s power books, Michael Korda’s Power!: How to Get It, how to Use it and power position, long side middle “judgeship”; Alzheimer’s tracking “LoJack for People” bill, JCD on FasTrak |
2:38:16 | Trump Energy Department “hit list”; Denzel Washington calls out MSM for fake news; gender-fluid Tide ad, JCD detergent tip: “always get the liquid”; one in six US adults on psychiatric drugs; Wonder Woman loses UN gig; Stanford marching band banned again; fried egg on food |