Call Clooney!

877 The Angries (2016-11-13)

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0:00:00ACC: “Hey, whatever you say, do not blame the millennials, wasn’t their fault.” (2:11:25)
0:00:39Hour delay due to JCD Skype sign-in “glitch”, six-page “dossier”, 1901 birth year
0:04:04Yoko Ono caterwauling Trump response; The Real vay-cay girl“; New Zealand 7.4 earthquake
0:06:57“The streets are filled with protesters” in Oakland, Constitutional victory, “so did Hitler!”; NYC producer signage rundown and slogan collection, “beep beep, boop boop, Donald Trump’s a piece of poop”, “anti-gay” meme from Pence conversion therapy myth; San Francisco seventh graders walk out of class and march on city hall; Austin five-year-old call and response
0:18:55Millennial producer Kansas University report, Trump win a “catastrophe”; Ed Schultz on “cry-ins” and therapy dogs; Michael Moore: “million woman plus one” march on Inauguration Day; Bill and Hillary’s purple clothing and Soros-funded revolution, safety pin “secret signal”
0:26:58PBS “tired that hate is now state-sponsored” kids’ reactions; Ford Coppola: Trump “imaginative and results-oriented”, David Brooks on “eloquent” NYC protests, Kyra Sedgwick on taking bus to Midwest with “lefties”; Chelsea Handler on moving to Spain, Barbara Boxer on tax returns and “modern history”, ACC “we have to go toward the light” Poltergeist mash-up
0:38:30Holder on dumping Electoral College, “let’s lift heavy”, “black people don’t have ID” meme
0:48:09Dionne Alexander “we’re tired of you crybabies” rant; Masha Gessen to Rachel Maddow on “surviving in an autocracy”, ACC: “this woman again?”, “he has talked about deporting US citizens” lie, “elected to be autocrat”; ACC’s “oversized Game Boy” voting machine
0:55:33Douchebag David Brooks vs Mark Shields on election racism; Ed Klein on Hillary’s morning call to friend “crying inconsolably”, “it’s always somebody else’s fault”
1:03:12Trump’s tentative embrace of Obamacare provisions; Obama photo op cancellations; Rand Paul on regulation repeal, EPA plowed field “mini-mountains”; CNBC on Wall Street records
1:09:4460 Minutes Soros piece from 1990s: 100% profit-driven, all-in at Sierra Club, Inauguration Day plan; Michael Moore “to-do list for the angries”, predicts Trump law-breaking, Bertram Gross’ Friendly Fascism; #J20 general strike; JCD doesn’t like Jonathan Pie
1:19:23Producer Segment: Citizens United/Koch Brothers talking point voided
1:37:19ACC’s “abused!” rant; NewsHour on teachers putting “academic goals on hold”; high school teacher suspended for Hitler comparison
1:44:03ACC calls jihad on John Oliver, Clinton Foundation “deconstruction”: “to be fair” prefix, “the more you look, the less you actually find”, Trump “America’s wealthiest hemorrhoid”
2:01:53Euronews on Trump-Brexit parallel, “frightening” rallies, 2017 EU elections, “doctor a counter-message”; Frans Timmermans: “the social contract … needs to be written again”
2:09:39Scott Adams’ “cognitive dissonance cluster bomb”: CNN’s 24 reason Trump won #23. “because of Comey”, #24. “not because of Comey”; Morning Joe on NYT’s biased headlines
2:18:30Donation Segment
2:27:09Bill Moyers’ open letter excerpt with sad harmonica; honoring Pearson, McEnany, & Conway
2:30:47CNN man on the street with Chicago millennial who turns out to be CNN shill, Don Lemon the moron; Lawrence O’Donnell on Electoral College “political card trick”
2:36:02Dutch children confronted by SWAT teams and patdowns over Zwarte Piet controversy
2:38:14Killing Ed Michael Flynn op-ed; Mosul’s burning oil wells, Saddam goons running ISIS
2:41:12California the national leader in opioid overdoses with U-47700 “pink” synthetic
2:43:22Chichakyan on “seemingly spontaneous” anti-Trump protests organized by MoveOn and Soros
2:47:14Autographed copies of Williams & Drew’s Pendulum from Sir Gene