0:00:00 | JCD: “You have to just assume that Hillary is a devil worshipper…” (0:44:37 ) |
0:00:35 | ACC loses Weiner suicide wager; WikiLeaks #33 for election day, 33 ubiquitous in e-mails |
0:03:01 | Hillary as the Wicked Witch of the West in Florida downpour; Jay Z & Beyonce introduce Hillary, “hello Cleveland!”, Gayle King gushes over Beyonce, Trump: “we don’t need Jay Z to fill up arenas”; PBS deconstructs 100% Obama outcomes in Philadelphia precincts |
0:14:50 | Ana Marie Cox accuses FBI of institutional racism, “women and people of color are gonna save this nation”; David Brooks: dumb people are for Trump, “people are just going with their gene pool”; Amy “Shamer”: don’t be a “steamy dump” by not voting, JCD: “more vocal fry, please!”; Funny or Die expletive-laden We Are the World parody |
0:24:48 | Podesta “dump all those emails” interpretations; Assange predicts Trump loss, Saudi Arabia & Qatar funding ISIS; Charles Krauthammer on Clinton “dump … hide … cover” instinct |
0:32:09 | Herridge on Obama’s server knowledge of server; Hillary’s maid printing classified documents |
0:36:12 | Trump “targeting Jews” in final video picturing Soros, Yelen, and Blankfein |
0:43:52 | Podesta invited by brother Tony to “Spirit Cooking dinner”; Tony Podesta’s Katy Grannan nude teenagers in bedroom; Anthony Weiner checks into sex addition clinic, Eric Prince on NYPD evidence connecting Clintons to Epstein “sex island”; Jimmy Savile & Joris Demmink |
0:59:06 | Producer Segment: ACC discovers hearing loss; ACC memorializes soldiers killed in Jordan |
1:21:33 | Trump attacker Austyn Crites a Hillary shill; reporter surprised by Reno rally atmosphere, “polite if a little defensive”; Obama interrupted by protester in uniform on “insults POWs” cue, “hold up!” repeated 21 times, “everybody sit down and be quiet for a second!”, “he’s not doin’ nothin’”, “it looks like maybe he might have served in our military and we gotta respect that” (CotD); deterring Trump-hating sign-stealers; Sarandon “I don’t vote with my vagina” |
1:38:40 | Erdoğan rounds up Selahattin Demirtas and other pro-Kurdish HDP leaders |
1:44:55 | British court: Article 50 requires Parliamentary vote; EU still moving ahead on Ukraine in spite of Netherlands; JCD on WTO’s globalist agenda, recommends Jacque Ellul’s The Technological Society, ACC reads from Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How by Ted Kaczynski; patriotic News Night plays God Save the Queen — the Sex Pistols version |
1:53:10 | Rolling Stone found guilty of defamation in retracted sexual assault story; taxpayers on the hook after St. Paul police kick and unleash dog on innocent man |
2:00:42 | YouTuber’s advertising pulled over refusal to endorse Hillary |
2:02:49 | Donation Segment |
2:13:04 | Trump refugees may want to think twice after Quebec journalist police eavesdropping revealed |
2:13:54 | Wells Fargo “making things right” ad; New York banker: Saudis would never dump treasuries over 28 pages law, $17bn Saudi bond in face of huge budget cuts, purchase of 20 F-35s |
2:19:45 | Park Geun-hye influence-peddling scandal; ACC cooking for RMH families on Thanksgiving; Muslims protest Jakarta’s Christian governor; possible al-Qaeda election eve attacks |
2:24:30 | Comey celebrates Operation Cross Country child sex trafficking crackdown; New Life Children’s Refuge arrests with 33 children in Haiti, Laura Silsby in Podesta e-mails |
2:29:53 | Military NROL, LROL, AROL drills with FEMA; supposed five million Cubs celebrants |
2:32:39 | Electoral college deadlock contingency procedure clarified; White Helmet protest at UK Russian embassy with pile of mannequin limbs; Washington corrections to ditch politically incorrect “offender” term; Denver to retry 1987 rape case; John Kerry headed to Antarctica |
2:45:25 | Harvard men’s soccer season cancelled over women’s team “scouting report” |