0:00:00 | JCD: “The blimp has landed.” (2:49:53 ) |
0:00:36 | JCD’s Confucius Say to continue until Show 1000; early for ACC’s New York trip |
0:02:12 | Vice presidential debate: Kaine trips JCD’s gaydar; MSNBC crowd’s “nooo!” for “do you feel connected to” Hillary; Kaine power move, “I was in Virginia” on 9/11 interruption; “we will work together in whatever roles we inhabit”, moderator calls time on Pence e-mail talk |
0:12:03 | NSA contractor arrested, no mention of hacking tools in criminal complaint; Andrew Napolitano agrees with Bill Binney on NSA doing DNC hack, “I can’t imagine the NSA feeding Julian Assange this information, could you?”, Napolitano: “yes~”; Guccifer 2.0 claims access to Clinton Foundation, “Pay for Play” folder, plagiarized from earlier release, Scott Adams calls hoax, correlation between TARP payouts and donations; Sarbanes-Oxley and Wells Fargo |
0:32:30 | Assange “October surprise” a complete dud, ACC: “pussy!”, Hillary on droning comment: “I don’t recall any joke”; Dr. Kilari Paul on Hillary’s 2008 election grudge against Gaddafi |
0:37:06 | ABC edits out Hillary punchline; Bill Clinton on Obamacare enrollees’ “premiums doubled and their coverage cut in half”, Morning Joe: Bill the “cool president”, “at some point they gave Joe Biden an iPod and earphones and put him on a plane and flew him around”; Barbara Boxer reinterprets Bill’s words, “risk carters” fund, “not defensive” about need to fix it |
0:50:26 | Gayle King: “Jon Stewart seemed to make such an effort to be nonpartisan”, Samantha Bee: “we have one shot to get Hillary elected do the show, ”do we need to“ know the real Hillary |
0:54:01 | Biden: “Bernie Sanders’ net worth is more than mine, I have less money than a socialist”; DoJ moves to dismiss case against arms dealer to Libya Marc Turi to avoid election publicity |
0:58:05 | Producer Segment: Bytes & Blades; No Agenda animated series |
1:20:09 | ACC’s new physical service bell vs noise gate, “from now on it’s part of my rig” |
1:21:43 | Distraction of the Week: Kim Kardashian robbed in Paris; illegal to publish Trump tax return, Daily Beast’s David Cay Johnston: “huge discounts on his loans” was income; Amy Goodman: “now you have to wonder if Trump had the money to pay them at all, right??” |
1:34:49 | Hurricane Matthew: “it’s not hype, it’s real”; Obama: Paris Agreement “will help delay or avoid some of the worst consequences of climate change”, South by South Lawn; Britain not signatory due to Brexit; DiCaprio introduces Obama, hypes Before the Flood documentary, “the scientific consensus is in, and the argument is now over”, deniers “do not believe in facts” |
1:46:32 | US MSF hospital bombing anniversary; EU €$1.3bn per year to return refugees to Afghanistan; Cameron blamed for violence against immigrants due to “swarm of people” comment; European Commission against Racism and Intolerance blames British press, “more rigorous training” for reporters; Ofcom updates official profanity list, Russell Brand on Queen’s real surname Saxe-Coburg-Gotha: “she might as well have been called Mrs. Bratwurst-Kraut-Nazi” |
2:02:41 | Michael Savage shut off in New York and then nationwide for discussing Hillary’s health |
2:04:46 | Donation Segment |
2:12:38 | Replacement Samsung phone ignites on Southwest flight; UKIP’s Steven Woolfe collapses after “altercation”; Duterte: “Mr. Obama, you can go to Hell”; Air France fuel flap Allah akbar |
2:21:19 | Josh Earnest: “I think everybody’s patience with Russia has run out”; Victoria Nuland in Moscow; Ray McGovern blames Israel; Baba Vanga WWIII prophesy |
2:28:19 | Yuan becomes IMF reserve currency, JCD predicts bond market collapse |
2:40:13 | Radio and Audio Summit panel strategy discussion; breaking news: JCD blimp landing |
2:52:10 | Hospital charges $39.35 for neonatal “skin-to-skin contact” |