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857 ISIS-Land (2016-09-04)

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0:00:00JCD: “I can’t do this any more, I’ve already cut off 20 heads, it’s hurting my arm!” (2:24:30)
0:00:34ACC’s 52nd birthday, Newsletter cake picture
0:01:44Aufwachen! podcast Greenwald interview, barking dog horde, “the monkey’s here”, “that clip sucks!” jingle; nude Trump statue expected to fetch $10k
0:08:27Kerry on terrorism: “perhaps the media would do us all a service if they didn’t cover it quite as much”, “people wouldn’t know what’s going on”
0:10:24No stairs for Obama at Hangzhou G20, Susan Rice vs Chinese official; last Obama-Xi meeting, Paris Accords ratified without Congress
0:14:39New Executive Order: one-year extension to state of emergency with respect to terror threat
0:16:49RT on makeover for “Hang Jew”, vermin elimination and factory shutdowns
0:18:40“Stop wearing white” Labor Day and labor unions
0:19:18Long weekend FBI report on Hillary interview notes,, “Clinton could not recall” litany, staff smashing mobile devices with hammers; Brooke Baldwin: “fact-check that for me, on the fly”, ACC: “the BlackBerry’s not working, get me a new BlackBerry!”; PBS on ignorance of drone program classification; handling CIA drone strike e-mails over holidays; JCD on corporate sexual harassment training courses, “I’m not pointing the finger at anybody”
0:31:31Kirby struggles not to answer on Hillary security briefing; “we came, we saw, he died” e-mail MIA; ABC on Hillary’s unpopularity: “these documents are not going to help on that front”; JCD on market ups & downs attributed to same cause, Paul Ryan: deny Hillary classified info; Tim Kaine a poor substitute in press conferences, “she takes the press everywhere she goes”, 272 day hiatus, no journalists on campaign plane; phony narrowing polls sales call; staffers with rope to keep reporters at bay; “too busy ignoring reporters to insult them”
0:48:06JCD: Mika Brzezinski “a woman scorned” with 30 new Benghazi e-mails; ACC on former employee’s lavish lunches with minions; Judicial Watch lawsuit’s 25 written questions under oath, State Department “e-mail blast address”; 2k more confidential e-mails, Mac Mini server
0:59:52Mysterious redacted aide name; 2011 attempted “hack” shutdown by Cooper, e-mail account compromise, 2013 accesses from Tor exit nodes by      account, Patrick Kennedy
1:07:54Anthony Weiner’s latest incriminating photo from June 2015, held in reserve as distraction, JCD: “I’d be moving to Idaho and looking for a cabin”
1:12:17Producer Segment: CAIR at Killing Ed; JCD on anti-CIA Jason Bourne; Max Keiser
1:35:5711th grade NASCAR wunderkind’s sponsor spiel
1:38:36Trump black church visit with Reuters “black, blackout!”; Pastor Mark Burns on bigoted “black community” meme; MSNBC pastor: “Donald Trump has borne bad fruit”, Lee Atwater “Southern strategy”, If You Don’t Know Me By Now quote
1:47:28Colin Kaepernick says he’s protesting flag, media says “anthem”
1:54:10David Oates’ reverse speech theory and “thank you Satan”, JCD unimpressed
2:03:20KQED: ISIS “linked to climate change”; NewsHour’s Sean Sublette on major hurricane rarity, IPCC: they won’t “necessarily … become more frequent”, “we do look for the longer-term trends”; NYT headline: coastal flooding “no longer theoretical”; climate beggars nationwide
2:11:41Rubblization and rebuilding in Detroit, Bill Clinton on 10k abandoned houses and Syrian refugees, “six thousand people went from Europe to ISIS-land” and Paris, Syrians in Cleveland and Dearborn, ACC: “get me another gross of Syrians, please!”; RT on ISIS and French Revolution parallel; JCD on guillotine “mass production device” and 15-40 French beheadings
2:26:16YouTube asserting “brand safe” restrictions; Philip DeFranco “beautiful bastards”
2:30:22Donation Segment: ACC 52nd birthday donations
2:43:00Millennial SJW Annaliese Nielsen aghast at Lyft Hawaiian bobble-head, “you didn’t think about like the pillaging of the like continent of Hawaii”, “you fucking selfish dumbass idiot”, ACC: “we’re doomed”, JCD implicates self esteem movement; in search of No Agenda maximum fun engagement strategy, sign language; Noodle Boy
2:59:45South Carolina honeybee collateral damage from zika spraying
3:00:28Guccifer 2.0 jailed for 52 months; Putin Bloomberg interview, Hillary “content that was presented to society”; China to build version of Antonov An-225
3:04:49Apple tax bill exactly matches Irish medical debt, Ireland files appeal
3:06:56Calais “Jungle” being dismantled, population up to 9k; homeless Italian earthquake survivors in tents vs migrants in four-star hotels meme deconstructed
3:11:00ABC on exploding Samsung Galaxy Note 7 just in time for iPhone 7, “a lot of people waiting for that”