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856 EU Gougers (2016-09-01)

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0:00:00JCD: “Yeah, man, where’s the bongos?” (2:34:45)
0:00:32Margrethe Vestager on Apple’s Irish taxes, MSM $17bn fine meme; Tim Cook : no sweetheart deal, debunks €50 per million meme, “here is the truth”, “several billion” in US taxes; Jack Lew outraged, stint as Citigroup COO until 2008; European Commissioner for Competition responsibilities and state aid under Lisbon Treaty, Dutch nervous; Vestager: “you should invest because you want to do business, not because that you want to avoid taxes”, Starbucks & Gazprom deals; JCD Irish fake outrage theory; “Euroland gouging”
0:18:47Anthony “the beard” Weiner and Huma split up; ACC Weiner CNN interview, Weiner groomed by Schumer; potential testimony against Huma, ACC: “I’m thinking he should avoid small aviation, hot tubs, and canoes”; Trump: Weiner “a sleazeball and a pervert”, “she has access to classified information”; Hillary’s bathrobe dress; ABC “balance” with David Duke robocalls
0:27:38ACC as television director, JCD story about Tech TV high-energy director, ACC: visit local news control room, assistant director 15 seconds in future; much-imitated Letterman director on intercom gag, ACC: “alright already with the love-fest, can we move on, in three, two…”
0:32:58Trump in Mexico, “he could’ve been hammered by Mexico’s president”, Hillary denounces as “photo op”, Hillary “not taking questions”, $12M partying in Hamptons, low-energy VFW speech, terrible hair; Obama & Biden to campaign for her
0:37:45Trump in Phoenix: “ending the illegal flow of drugs, cash, guns, and people across our border”, “put the cartels out of business”, ACC Sinaloa deal theory, 24 Sinaloa and 46 mob arrests, John Gotti’s grandson nabbed; Hillary also invited; Rachel Maddow’s Trump piñata, JCD: “no bias there!”, Trump “probably the least popular human being on earth among the Mexican people” not getting a “dressing down”, Jose Diaz-Balart “mysteriously leaked video” theory
0:48:43Trump on restoring Secure Communities program, 287(g) partnerships deporting jailed illegals, “there’s no brain power in our administration … none, none, none”; Immigration and Nationality Act, ACC on outrageious DHS fees; MSM just asking who’s paying for the wall
0:57:41Soros on Trump “landslide” and electoral college loss; JCD on college as wacko insurance and hurting media in non-swing states; Karl Marx’ writings about slave votes and Civil War; Soros’ ambiguous “and I don’t do think, actually, she is the one who is the most qualified”
1:09:00NBC on secret Foreign Denial and Deception Committee tasked with fighting Russian hackers in election, “Russia is trying to undermine confidence in the election system”, ABC: “election officials are hoping that tommor goes off not only without a hitch, but also without a glitch hack”, Arizona “did upgrade the cybersecurity system”, JCD requests Worst Clip of the Day jingle; RT on unnamed Washington think tank hacks blamed on Russia by CrowdStrike, “blame Russia” medley, older “blame China” medley
1:21:25Trump’s “hands off Middle East” an opportunity for China; Gayane Chichakyan on baseless accusations by “unnamed official” in Arizona and Illinois attacks: “this is the closest we’ve come to tying the recent hack to the Russian government”, hacked voter records available as public records in swing states, “the DNC has voter databases of all states”
1:28:49NBC’s Richard Engel on doping whistleblower Yulia Stepanova on the run after address exposed, “experts say it’s the work of hackers with close ties to Russian intelligence” (CotD)
1:32:13Producer Segment: Show 491 Michael Shrimpton CotD;
1:57:24Krauthamer “there’s no there there”; Mike Pence “less concerned about her bad health as I am about her bad ideas”, Obama doctor David Scheiner compares “solid muscle” Obama to “oldest man to enter the White House” Trump, no mention of smoking, “all the lab results were positive”, JCD: “HIV positive, and pregnant!”; Dr. Drew on podcast discussing Bill Clinton’s addictions: “he has all the stigmata of alcoholism”, “he gets parotid enlargement, he gets rhinophyma, he gets telangiectasias”
2:05:20US News on election delay or cancellation due to candidate death
2:07:48JCD Red Book: Star Spangled Banner finished as National Anthem, Colin Kaepernick protest, “disrespecting the troops” meme, America the Beautiful popular culture gains
2:13:43ACC describes “pathetic” MTV VMAs, “social media douchebag” hosts, upside-down cross
2:17:07Canada declares animals “sentient beings”; ACC’s “pet-friendly” apartment
2:20:47Florida ground stops due to radar power outage, “redundant systems and backup power supplies that seem to trip and they don’t seem to work”; UAL pilots arrested in Glasgow for drunkenness, turbulence injuries; Southwest engine explosion, plane-ramming; upcoming Sully movie, JFK gun panic, LAX panic over Zorro with plastic sword
2:31:30DH Unplugged reference to trio of events: dot-com, Y2K, 9/11 with millennials in perpetual recession, jobless “beatniks” in Port Townsend
2:35:48Donation Segment
2:44:58Lyft Hawaiian bobblehead SJW girl edited audio for next show
2:49:53300 reindeer killed by lightning strike in Norway, ACC: “I’m thinking directed energy weapon”
2:50:23Indian tourism minister: do not wear skirt, “advisory” vs “directive”; Polish man beaten to death in London, “can’t be sort of far away from us all being armed on the streets, really”
2:54:16No historical ISIS anti-Israel message; Israeli think tank’s Professor Efraim Inbar: “strategic purpose” for ISIS vs Iran, “I suggest to you to be more careful in assessing ze human rights policy of Iran”, “zey are supporting a brutal regime of Assad”
2:58:48Bogus Megyn Kelly firing story on Facebag, JCD: “I’d give her a nine-five easy”, Shannon Bream’s looks vs Kelly’s; Hillary’s health search results in Google vs other engines, foreign governments “have expunged words, names, and phrases from search engine results”, ACC “Donald Trump is” vs “Hillary Clinton is” suggestions