0:00:00 | JCD: (distant) “Hello? No I don’t want your beans!” (2:12:17 ) |
0:00:35 | JCD’s new media bigotry Newsletter “Leaner Report” |
0:02:28 | ABC on Obama’s empty promise of donation to ISIS captive Kayla Muller’s parents’ foundation, Josh Earnest caught off guard; Trump “Hillary is a bigot”, “when Democratic policies fail, they are left with only this one tired argument: you’re racist, you’re racist, you’re racist”; Chichakyan debunks Robbie Mook’s accusation Robert Flynn works for “The Russia Times” |
0:14:01 | Hillary on Alex Jones “paranoid fringe”, “alt-right”; Rachel Maddow on Steve Bannon’s domestic violence, “that ends up being important” lie, “he doesn’t like Jews”; Tom Coburn to “Chet” Todd: NBC “far-left”; Michael Eric Dyson on “make America great again” as code |
0:29:47 | Hillary “there’s no there there” meme, Gertrude Stein Oakland reference; Hakeem Jeffries: Trump “outsourced parts of his campaign to white supremacist groups”; RT on MSM’s cozy Hillary relations, Putin “grand godfather of this global brand of extreme nationalism” (CotD), Hillary “insider threat” man on the street, “Teflon Jane”; JCD story about Mimi bumping into Barbara Streisand’s husband; lame Streisand-Fallon Trump duet |
0:46:10 | RT Marc “Dr. Doom” Faber: Bill Clinton “will revitalize corruption in America”; Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation payoff; Planet Money’s Adam Davidson on Slate podcast: “creepy”, “an elite selling access to the aspirational”, “they have not had a major impact on Haiti” (CotD), ACC: “big mistake, I would avoid hot tubs, canoes, and small aviation aircraft” |
0:56:35 | Leonardo DiCaprio DAF Donor Advised Fund Malaysian embezzlement scandal |
0:58:44 | Trey Gowdy: no FBI questions for Hillary about intent, “what could be more convenient than just doing a state.gov e-mail address?”, e-mails not deleted for year and a half, cut off |
1:01:13 | Bernie Sanders apparently shovels campaign leftovers into Our Revolution lobbying outfit |
1:03:58 | Producer Segment: noagendatorrents.com ; JCD: “we do not use Podbean” |
1:20:31 | Journalistic recount of 2000 Florida ballot, “George Bush actually won”, Jeffrey Toobin on University of Chicago “even more comprehensive” recount in which “Gore would have won” |
1:27:01 | “Trump TV” meme, George W. Bush: idiot or evil genius? |
1:28:37 | Dr. Drew’s show cancelled in wake of Hillary health comments, video removed, apology for “anonymously-sourced report”; ACC: “we have a spot on the stream for him, for his podcast” |
1:38:35 | University of Chicago: no trigger warnings or safe spaces; ACC tangles with batshit insane short female millennial, “you’re a dick!”; ageist Kelly Ward gives McCain “gift of retirement” |
1:46:13 | Dutch officials: TTIP dead, CETA Canada-EU deal; Hangzhou G20, mysterious “grand scheme” with Russia & EEC; Chinese news imitating BBC; Chinese post-Brexit business opportunities; no Article 50 Parliamentary vote; JCD on Chinese “Prime Directive” in Africa |
2:01:48 | ISIS atrocities in British Parliament, “she spoke of seeing a two-year-old boy being killed, his body parts ground down, and then fed to his own mother”, ACC: “this is better than the incubator story!”; military producer: Hollywood turning on Hillary, 13 Hours Benghazi movie |
2:08:35 | Today Show picks up on Nice ban: burkinis “designed to give Muslim women more freedom”; JCD on Berkeley naked parade; ACC on lingerie-buying Muslim women in Harrods; producer: bikinis allowed on some beaches; JCD story about beer with Saudi prince; CVC Jordan report |
2:22:11 | Donation Segment: no prostate exam for ACC |
2:32:28 | CNN tries to explain NPR’s comment shutdown, JCD on Disqus NA promotion |
2:41:13 | Sheriff David Clarke on blacks and Democrats; ACC on widespread entitlement |
2:45:33 | JCD on EpiPen and Obamacare insurance scam, idiot CEO’s $19M; NA tip: $50 cash discount |