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851 Captain Talking Points (2016-08-14)

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0:00:00JCD: “Let’s get the little girl to cry!” (2:02:59)
0:00:31JCD’s TSA Pre✓ both ways courtesy of Southwest, Washington pot shop investigation; DEA refuses to reclassify, “high potential for abuse”; Berlin marchers call for legalization; ACC: “we want these old ladies on our drugs, we can’t have them on a flower!”; JCD: Mary’s brand
0:07:15ACC France report: terrorism police pepper spraying refugees, Cannes burkini controversy, JCD on burqa at IKEA the day after 9/11; latest Charlie Hebdo cover; JCD on French telephone stone age in 1973, Minitel; DXing with the KX2; seedy Saint-Tropez
0:23:33Delta CEO blames data center issue on power outage, ACC: “dynamite snacks”, home at 3am; JCD on backpacks on planes and grocery stores (JCDPPotD); ACC’s possible clock boy sighting, singing My Sharia Law to himself, clock boy back in US
0:32:13Don Lemon on Trump’s “Second Amendment people” comment: “running for leader of the free world”, “you’re lying to the American people”, Dan Bongino: “you don’t know crap about this, Don, you’re a TV guy, I was a Secret Service agent”, “Don, you’re Captain Talking Point!”; Keith Olbermann rant at Hillary: “you actually used the word assassination
0:46:32The Goldwater Rule, Don Lemon tries to get Dr. Drew to pronounce Trump insane
0:54:15Hillary releases tax returns, donation to Clinton Foundation; Trump “not worth what he thinks” meme, ACC: Hillary’s medical records; post-concussion syndrome, plane crash unmentioned; Assange on “October surprise” & Seth Rich murder; Pelosi: DNC hack Russian “Watergate-like electronic break-in”; Assange debunks Maher’s “no smoking gun” claim
1:13:54Breaking news: man harpooned in riot on Corsican beach after tourist photographs burkini
1:15:04ACC’s Syrian cab driver: I hope Trump is elected, Lebanon up next for rubblization; Mike Morell “right”-fest on killing Iranians and Russians, “I wanna scare Assad”, “I wanna bomb his offices in the middle of the night”, “to come to a diplomatic settlement” (CotD)
1:23:47Producer Segment
1:50:24Save the Date: August 24 2016 New York City “event” will take out both candidates
1:52:49Olympics: reporter mispronounces coxswain /kak.swen/ instead of /kak.sən/ (CotD); Kenyan coach sent home for sneaking into drug testing; green pool water; Simone Manuel and pool racism; cupping marks; Dutch gymnast Yuri van Gelder sent home for drinking with the king
2:04:21Malcolm Gladwell on “moral licensing” from electing Julia Gillard and subsequent “misogynistic vitriol”; Lindsay Lohan’s altercation with boyfriend ignored
2:10:49Dallas police refuse bomb robot FOIA request over potential embarrassment; 73-year-old retired librarian shot by police in training exercise; North Carolina mall gunshot stampede
2:14:01Chantix “involuntary intoxication” defense, probable drug company indemnification
2:16:05Charles Ortel on Laureate Education woes for next show, pay for play
2:19:54RT on think tanks receiving big money from military contractors and Middle Eastern countries
2:26:29No Agenda infrastructure and bandwidth costs
2:31:14Donation Segment: $160.16 “pair of boobs”
2:39:50New stadium for Tokyo Olympics; Olympic village Coca Cola coffee; Olympic National Park
2:41:411970s Jimmy Carter dropping energy crisis memes
2:45:33Trump supporters avoiding admitting it; Lee Harvey Oswald warnings on Facebag
2:49:29Admiral Mustafa Ugurlu wanted by Turkey; Erdoğan has given up on joining EU
2:55:11State Department job for Foundation donor, Elizabeth Kennedy “broken record” Trudeau: “we talk to a wide range of people”, Matt Lee: “I’m sorry, am I not speaking English?”