0:00:00 | JCD: “By the way, I think Zakaria is a lizard.” (1:48:02 ) |
0:00:35 | NBA’s “blatant fix”, JCD on $49k seats; ACC’s new Fasten profile pic proves he’s white |
0:03:52 | Compulsive gambling from Abilify; William Brownfield to committee: “we must today manage a strategic transition from cocaine to heroin”; Aczone Gel blue lips and orange skin side effects, CVC’s Proactiv; Omar Mateen’s conversation with friend about “medications” |
0:14:11 | UK “Brexit” shooting, “remain” ahead by three points, Christine Lagarde called out for “overwhelming majority of economists”, Oxford Union debate; possibility of eventual EU breakup; Switzerland withdraws EEA application; Brexit petition |
0:26:00 | Terrorism arrests in Belgium & France vs US, JCD: not since Elián González |
0:29:37 | CBS buys an AR-15, “the gun was only in our possession for a couple of hours”; bogus veteran Facebag profiles, Cassius Clay’s cannon, Gatling gun used on Irish protesters |
0:37:33 | Orlando shooting: outrage and moral self-licensing over FDA restrictions on gay men donating blood, Sanjay Gupta: “the FDA … is a pretty conservative institution”, Pooper pushes Truvada |
0:43:52 | FBI’s James Kallstrom on “wet blanket of political correctness”, Loretta Lynch “rhetoric” prosecutions, Lynch on “reaching out” to Muslims, “community” meme |
0:54:08 | Fox interleaves Brennan’s dire ISIS warnings with Obama’s optimism (CotD); CIA Abu Zubaydah torture report declassified, “he must never be able to tell what happened”, fair game for CBS if linked to Trump; 51 State Department diplomats push for bombing Syria, Kirby on Assad-Daesh “symbiosis”, “we understand that … the future of Syria cannot include Bashar al-Assad”; Fox Red Eye on Obama’s use of ISIL as Israel “diss”; producer feedback on Lebanon bombing Israel; Tulsi Gabbard to Brolf: nothing learned from Iraq & Libya |
1:22:15 | Producer Segment |
1:42:13 | China retaliates for Obama’s Dalai Lama meeting by banning iPhone sales; Moore’s Law and JCD’s son’s company replacing laptops with less powerful ones, JMD’s Apple sticker on Dell |
1:47:00 | First legally non-binary person in US |
1:47:31 | Zakaria Putin interview: Ukraine coup a NATO “common enemy” justification, sanctions impacting Europe and not US; Fox a-hole: “whenever a senior Russian official says anything … he’s lying”; Trump “brilliant” vs “bright”, “why do you always change the meaning of what I said?”, prosecutors trying to keep OSCE election observers out, snotty Zakaria: “I used the official Interfax translation”, on Hillary: “I’ve seen many people change after they were appointed”; Putin on unfairness of Rio Olympics ban; nothing new on Hillary from Assange |
2:09:17 | H.R.5181 Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act, “whole-of-government approach”, Center for Information Analysis and Response “Center” à la The Americans |
2:16:32 | H.R.4445 Truth in Advertising Act, blame Photoshop for depression, anxiety, eating disorders |
2:20:00 | Donation Segment |
2:36:44 | Gayle King celebrates Hillary’s nomination “as a woman person”; ex-CIA to Van Susteren on Trump vs Clinton: “it’s like chlamydia or gonorrhea”; Kim Jong-un death hoax |
2:40:34 | Zuckerberg asked for Mateen Afghanistan posts; internet giants sued by Paris attack victim Nohemi Gonzalez’ family; ACC stories about MTV Gopher server and bud.com acquisition |
2:50:15 | Financial emergency declared in Rio; producer Puerto Rico report; Grassley Haiti Red Cross investigation like “pulling teeth”; Grassroots Texas kids now raising money for ACLU |
2:58:27 | “I’m Neil deGrasse Tyson, bitch” cameos; Morsi sentenced in “fundamentally unfair” trial |
3:02:48 | Week’s predictions: Trump NRA deal, something might light up in UK for Brexit |