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833 Manbuns & Mohawks (2016-06-12)

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0:00:00ACC: “But it’s great, liberals are psychotic!” (2:20:25)
0:00:33Orlando nightclub shooting: “kill the gays” strategy, Omar Mateen a security guard, terrorist ties unconfirmed by FBI; Red Book: Hamilton Tonys sweep; kevlar helmet side-story
0:11:43Ishmael Reed on Mohammad Ali mourner hypocrisy, Nation of Islam vs the mob
0:17:58Elizabeth Warren Trump insanity meme: “he is a threat to who we are as a people”, “rooting for an economic crash”; Nancy Giles: “he’s, I think, clinically insane”; Deepak Chopra on “the shadow”, “emotional retardation of a three-year-old”; Rachel Maddow lies about naver having female nominee, Warren: Hillary “willing to lead against a small, insecure bully”
0:37:16Massachusetts campgrounds booked by Bernie supporters, San Jose anti-Trump violence
0:39:15Possible revelation of CIA identities in Hillary e-mails; Clinton Foundation donor Rajiv Fernando appointed to State Department International Security Advisory Board by Cheryl Mills; FBI investigating drone strike e-mails; Mark Toner haltingly explains ISAB appointment; Charles Ortel on bogus Unitaid audit, missing $100M for illegal Clinton HIV/Aids Initiative
0:56:55Banker suicides and drug money, American Gangster; Harvard tribal activities requirement
1:01:25Pelosi: negative migration rate with Mexico; Michael McCaul calls for “technology and aviation assets”, far from “operational control”; control the border, control the drugs
1:07:15Barbara “Botox” Boxer to Bill Maher on Hillary’s authenticity to repeated “right”, “leaning in favor” of pot legalization, car fatalities, JCD: “oh bull-crap!”, ACC’s stoned helicopter landing
1:15:27Producer Segment
1:35:49Michael McCaul: national security “number one responsibility under the Constitution”, “highest-threat environment” since 9/11; more possible MH370 debris found
1:39:45No charge for MI6 in CIA Libya rendition; Hans-Georg Maassen: Snowden a Russian spy
1:48:04Euro 2016 “manbuns & mohawks”, Pravy Sektor “Russian” hooligans; Brexit do-over
1:53:17Obama podcast on restructuring Puerto Rican debts, H.R.4900 Puerto Rico Oversight, Management, and Economic Stability Act PROMESA, Luis GutiĆ©rrez: “no difference between this junta and the junta of Pinochet in Chile!”, Sec.104 “the Oversight Board may accept, use, and dispose of gifts, bequests, or devises”, JCD: “here’s a goat, here’s my daughter, here’s a pot full of money”, Sec.210 “the full faith and credit of the United States is not pledged”
2:10:09Judge Napolitano on FBI Hillary investigation conflict of interest under Obama; Bernie supporter on Bernie backing off Clinton; breaking news: Orlando shooter’s ISIS allegiance
2:14:27Ban Ki-moon extorted into removing Saudi Arabia from child-killer blacklist
2:18:10Retraction Watch: liberal and conservative beliefs swapped in psychoticism link; Laura Ingraham cut off on Hannity; “Netflix and chill” and dropping sexual activity frequency; NYT Broadway guy: The Color Purple by Alice Waters Walker
2:29:17Donation Segment: JCD: Trump should use Ross Perot infomercial format
2:38:41Tech News: WWDC Monday; NHTSA investigating Tesla suspension problems, nondisclosure agreement potential fiasco, precarious financial position from debt payoff; Pelosi on smart phone “flat screens, LLD” from federal research; Alexa rage; “there’s no crying in barbecue”
2:49:06Daily Kos and MoveOn unable to deliver empty boxes of Stanford rape case petitions
2:53:59Ash Carter calls for private sector talent exchange program
2:56:21ASCAP guidelines for using music in campaigns, Lanham Act trademark dilution
3:01:10Narendra Modi proposes stronger US-India ties; Rajiv Fernando’s background
3:06:26Southern California earthquakes, graph with unlabelled axes