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831 (((twitter))) (2016-06-05)

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0:00:00ACC: “Is it clear what I’m talking about here, or am I way off base?” (0:12:32)
0:00:34Austin bug eating festival cancelled due to rain; no Über clones for ACC
0:08:46Facebag fight with brain professor Russ over Trump “con man” post, June headlines, professor’s wife: “your litmus test for bullshit is astoundingly lopsided here”
0:23:42ACC predicts bloody Democrat convention, Toobin spins anti-Trump violence: “this kind of protest has gone on for hundreds of years, it’s not that big a deal”, Soros connection ignored
0:28:15Hillary’s foreign policy speech a “point-by-point indictment” of Trump, mental illness meme; Carl Bernstein on Trump’s “disrespect and disdain for our history and our Constitutional traditions”, “let’s cut to the chase”: Hillary lied; nuclear codes meme, Bill misplaced the “biscuit”, JCD: “it was probably found inside someone”; bloody attacks on Trump supporters, misleading “thugs” edit, no arrests, “look at my African-American over here”; Mexican-American Trump University judge; CBS: Trump alienating corporate sponsors,
0:54:32Hillary “slams” against Trump, ACC: “that’s been the lower third on my TV for the past three, four days”, Barry Goldwater parallel, “just a series of bizarre rants, personal feuds, and outright lies”, “I will leave it to the psychiatrists to explain his affections for tyrants” (CotD); Trump: “she liiies!”, copy of speech for prebuttal, media propagating “crooked Hillary” meme; Dave Winer: “Trump is a nightmare that’s almost over”; Hillary “great question” on The View
1:15:26Donation Segment: peerage map
1:24:10Matt Lee to Mark Toner on Psaki video edit: “based on what you know…”, “sloppy” attempt to hide information, Psaki throws editor under bus, Toner: “we’re at … a bit of a dead end”; December 2012 emergency landing in Iran, “Benghazi flu”, concussion, blood clot timeline, helmet gift; rapid Iranian prisoner release; Navy SEAL Job W. Price’s apparent suicide
1:47:45Native ad: Prince died of fentanyl overdose; Muhammad Ali’s death; (((name))) = Jew
1:54:43Bill Maher on zika funding, “laboratory evidence” of 300 infections
1:58:33UCLA shooting boots on the ground report, FBI just down the road; Chicago Killing Ed meetup; ACC to “go into the woods” on ARRL Field Day
2:04:04Airbnb “busted” for racism; Über microaggressions against ACC because of surname
2:06:57Latest 4.7% unemployment rate with net job loss, actual number 22.5% since 2012, Federal Reserve ignoring bogus rate; Seth the ER surgeon on flu and allergies, broke middle class; ridiculous Austin housing costs, Hotel ZaZa
2:16:00CBN report on Swedish multiculturalism, “assimilation is completely out of the question”; Templeton Prize winner Lord Jonathan Sacks: “if there is a collective identity society is a home; if you have multiculturalism society is a hotel”, “sleepwalking into segregation”; Florida Atlantic University professor Bassem Al Halabi on Sharia law: “if it takes one or two people to have their hands cut off and then there’s no more stealing in the whole nation, that’s a much better resolution”
2:26:15Donation Segment
2:32:20Tech News: Elon Musk on the universe is an AI simulation, Kara Swisher: “big issues that need to play themselves out going forward, and probably the next quantum leap in computing is this”; 3D printed pancakes at Shanghai trade fair, printed building in Dubai, printed cars on Jay’s Garage
2:47:30Universal Basic Income for the “useless eaters” voted down in Switzerland
2:51:37New British plastic five-pound note “bringing a new meaning to the word money laundering