0:00:00 | ACC: (Russian accent) “Hello Donald. This is Vlad. Listen, listen.” (0:41:06 ) |
0:00:34 | Columbia School of Broadcasting; JCD’s semesters at Foothill College, radio plays on KFJC |
0:03:07 | Austin Prop 1 shot down, City of Austin wanted ride data, Houston one-year deal now renegotiates with New York; JCD story on American Express CEO, “two tanks of gas and Nikes”; Twitter cuts off intelligence agency access to Dataminr, because “optics”; Facebook trending news manipulation, “how??”, “an awl-gorithm” vs Ivy League kids, “injection tool” |
0:19:20 | Missing 3.5 minutes of Jen Psaki lying about Victoria Nuland lying about secret negotiation with Iran, white flash, Elizabeth Kennedy Trudeau: transcript always available, to Matt Lee: “we’re looking into it genuinely, we think it was a glitch”; James Rosen quotes Nuland to Psaki, “that was untrue, correct?”, 2011 meetings in Oman; Hillary’s plane crash |
0:37:08 | Hillary’s “security review” vs Comey’s “investigation”, Cheryl Mills walk-out; Judge Napolitano: “perfect storm” of interviews & depositions, IT consultant Bryan Pagliano’s disappearing e-mails; Kremlin debate over release of 20k hacked documents; Sidney Blumenthal to CNBC: “I can’t comment on an ongoing investigation”; bombing Libya for Sarkozy, tent pitched at Trump estate; Blumenthal: “no one made a nickel, no one spent a penny” |
0:48:49 | Clinton Cash documentary trailer, ACC: “I think they just made a movie with a whole bunch of No Agenda clips”; John Oliver goes off on bogus scientific studies, ignores climate change |
0:56:25 | Dinner with the O-bots: Professor Russ’ actual “chair”, psychology studies called into question over manipulation of statistical P-values; Salty Sow restaurant favored by Michelle Obama, TtK declines the bone marrow, ACC: “you can put anything in my mouth” |
1:07:45 | Producer Segment |
1:22:24 | ACC in New York Sunday for wedding, Christopher Buckley’s internet prediction |
1:24:49 | Mass exodus from South Sudan due to famine, call Clooney! |
1:26:22 | Amy Goodman: Rodrigo Duterte of Phillipines “dubbed the Filipino Trump” (CotD); Linden WA protester: “we’re blocking about 80% of the street”; “prominent white supremacist leader” William Johnson named CA delegate, SPLC: “most important white nationalist group in the country”, robocall: “don’t vote for a Cuban”; Goodman “convershayshun”, small membership, “this is a person who is extremely well-known”; Trump taxes distraction |
1:43:06 | Jeff Daniels: “the hat should say make America white again”, “president of the world” meme, Hillary’s “international street cred”; time for Bill to be hospitalized? |
1:49:48 | Obama speechwriters to Charlie Rose on who wrote the “keep your insurance” line |
1:51:38 | Trump clarifies to Chris Cuomo remarks about buying back debt at a discount |
1:56:29 | WHO re-approved DDT use in malaria crisis; Silent Spring, condor eggs; USAID unable to provide or finance use directly; EPA background; Dr. Fauci on ebola fund; slow Rio Olympics ticket sales, Obama’s bid for Chicago Olympics; 1960 SV-40 polio vaccine contamination |
2:12:47 | Donation Segment: Australian accent samples for ACC; 3D No Agenda network |
2:22:04 | Lame Panama Papers database; Chinese IT workers sleeping in office bunkbeds, ACC: “hello JavaScript hackers, this is your future”; rude Chinese delegation visits Queen Elizabeth |
2:27:34 | Sumner Redstone’s voicemail message for hooker to arrange threesome with friend Bob |
2:30:20 | Snapchat beatings, rapes, and high-speed crashes, stretcher selfie; Facebag “love & light” |
2:33:51 | CA AB-1732 “all gender toilet facilities”; possible Catelyn Jenner de-transition |
2:38:49 | Clip Blitz: sidewalk stoplights in German town; Google bans payday lender ads; knife attack on Munich train; 12th go at Eastern Ukraine peace talks; West Point cadets with raised fists |