0:00:00 | ACC: “Now what do we want to do at the end here?” |
0:00:33 | ACC in Paris, friendly French, pickpocket warning, scams targeting Americans, ACC: “Nein, ich spiele Deutsche!”, Musée d’Orsay, Moroccan Über driver; intro to Sir Cyber’s material |
0:06:27 | Michio Kaku’s “wacky weather”; ACC outed as “someone’s getting cornholed today” Gold Show host; JCD: “see you in the studio doing the Gold Show!”; girl explains “nigga” to Piers Moron, ACC’s “nigga please!” ghetto pass revoked; producer giving hookers “rides”; ACC on potatoes “incubating” to Hill+Knowlton; girl learns JCD is podcaster and walks away; The POOP Project; Liz Wahl’s, /puʔɨn/ pronunciation; cow farting in climate change video |
0:19:59 | Miss America 2013 introductions, “listening to your phone calls from the nation’s capital”, Bob Barker, gay host and judges, winner New York 22.79 sec vs Florida booted at 21.69, Red Book: winner quits, Kansas the tatted reservist |
0:31:17 | Band camp girl Marie Harf; JCD’s disc-distribution technique; JCD giving Larry Lessig crap for talking about meeting Obama; producer Rock Harvey; gun scare due to man urinating on teenager in theater; Yahya Jammeh’s “butt plug on a stick”; Ms. Micky’s gun frying people’s brains; JCD’s “strangeballs”; ACC baits Black Hat & DEF CON “weenie boys”; “Topless Women Read Books”; MEP Andrew Duff’s epic stutter; ACC’s William Haig impersonation |
0:45:57 | Dominatrix Jen Psaki; “Quantum Dong”; JCD narrates gay military parade; Obama: odds of dying from terrorism low “unfortunately” (CotD); Lisa Kudrow “thick and creamy”; JCD: “I’m in the demo!”; Be Straw Free on NPR (CotD); Obama: cuts “like eating your corn seed” |
0:53:22 | Leaked IPCC report’s “five terrifying statements”; Parliament call for order; “George Clooney is a spy!”; Swedish show celebrates Obama visit with mac & cheese; killed by blind macaroni-eating driver; PETA: study shows chicken reduces penis sizes; ACC’s “stoned sperm” samples |
1:00:21 | ACC the Fukushima O-bot; Albert Stubblebine on Fukushima “dire” situation; Feinstein having CIA Syria DVD “multiplied”; Anthony Weiner’s maniacal laughter; Leo: the cynics were right; Leo the rule follower; Al Sharpton vs the teleprompter |
1:11:38 | Donation Segment/break; explanation for Show 821’s technical issues |
1:14:52 | Sharpton calls Ottowa “Iowa” (CotD); directed-energy weapons; JCD lie detector story; Guess the Movie: Pecker; ACC does weather on location; Al Roker: tornado chase vehicle weighs “sixteen-thousand tons”; JCD does droning “assessment”; Gloria Allred on the dangers of cannibalism; face-eating “trend”; maniacal laughter from bath salts kid; JCD bath salts voice |
1:29:46 | ACC’s Master of the House earworm; voter: “democracy is dead!”; JCD’s leashed kids; Cameron leaves daughter at pub; JCD on dogs getting high; JCD reads stonation note; JCD on Lisa Monaco’s porn name; JCD Club 33 announcements; JCD drunk donation notes |
1:44:11 | Navy sub orgy, JCD: Audrey “pullin’ the train!”; “donkey punch”; JCD’s Dutch; Amy Goodman butchers “Dijsselbloem”; clean “caché” for healthcare.gov (CotD); Freddie the Firewall; Elon Musk fanboys; Tactical Response Team story; dream about ACC & JCD; “Oreos are just as addictive as cocaine!” (CotD); Kerry: Bergdhal would have been beheaded (CotD) |
2:00:26 | Mokhtar Belmokhtar’s unfiled “expense reports”; JCD on droning in “lemon”, “Donna Drontalist”; JCD tries to name critical infrastructure; mountain biking toilet paper story; “great question” for John Edwards’ mistress; Obama stammering; voices in Anderson Pooper’s head |
2:19:54 | High School USA! sex change; Pelosi: Ted Kennedy passed Obamacare from heaven (CotD); Reverend Manning rant compilation, Obama “son of Satan”, “will be president forever” (CotD) |
2:38:10 | Outro; call for show annotation, ACC tries to remember No Agenda Summaries |