Call Clooney!

805 Mono Nuptials (2016-03-06)

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0:00:00ACC: “It’s always been that way, Tommy.” (2:55:56)
0:00:32The many faces of the Zephyr; “this is Adam and he’s a podcaster” at spin studio party; gong and Zenergy chime gripes, crappy Apple earbuds; JCD on slot car tracks and trampoline parks; Bernie “whoa whoa whoa”, ACC: “all right, producers, go to work”
0:12:29Republican party “leadership”, JCD: “it’s a secret organization”; Louis C.K. e-mail; Stephen Moore: “duplicitous” establishment not getting behind candidate, “hold my nose” Hillary meme, former governor Leavitt refuses to answer on Trump support, interrupts wrap-up; ACC: “here’s the European news: the war is pending”
0:25:46CNN “armchair analysts” on Trump “egging his supporters on”, spitting on Muslims; Keli Goff: no one believes Trump can win, JCD: “she made that up”; Harry Reid: Trump denigrates “the disabled”, Republicans “appealing to some of the darkest forces in America”, Trump = Frankenstein sign, JCD: “bring Mary Shelley out from behind the shrub”; Lawrence O’Donnell: “militaristic operation”, Secret Service “thugs”, “Trumpism”, “21st century American fascism”
0:42:17JCD explains 1924 Democrat party split; “lost voters”, Rubio on millennials’ bright prospects; Judith Miller on “mob-related companies”; Josh Earnest searching for scripted response on white supremacist podcaster “press corp”; fundraising vs “meet and greets”; Aussies on “Hitler-Trump political playbook”, “Donald Trump has long been known for keeping by his bedside books of Hitler’s speeches”, small hands meme
1:07:44Producer Segment: JCD on millennial wine drinkers, André “champagne”
1:21:52Hillary claims to be “most transparent public official in modern times”; Catherine Herridge jumps in with Mat Lee about Cheryl Mills’ e-mail handling tenure, Kirby: “do I even need to be here?”; Trump “no specifics” meme; how to medicate tired-sounding Hillary
1:32:23Trump tries to invoke 9/11 at debate, “when a family flies into the World Trade Center”; right-wing radio guys gravitating toward Trump, Fox & ABC going easy; Bill Clinton: “I thought I was watching a sixth-grade recess fight”; Hannity & Cruz on brokered convention, “we will have a manifest revolt”; Rubio comedy: “when they’re done with the yoga, can I answer a question?”; Trump on Putin, “best people” enumeration, Snowden “a spy”; Nancy Reagan dead, JCD on Reagan’s empty promises, mental institutions; Sanders and black vote
1:54:29Russell Simmons: “your earthquake and certainly all these storms are a result of factory farming”, sugar lobby behind Bernie; The People v. O.J. Simpson knife discovery promotion; “alarming health headline”: Elizabethkingia outbreak
2:02:09Gülenist Zaman newspaper raided; CNN TÜRK and other outfits compromised
2:08:34Donation Segment: botched Turkey “bit”; Newsletter analysis
2:26:06“Compelling international headline” that North Korea, “breaking news” replacement placeholders, Kim Jong-un’s “threatening rhetoric”, BBC walk-back: “pretty blood-curdling stuff”, “outside experts actually doubt that he could carry it out”
2:36:19Donald Tusk on refugee crisis: common ground emerging, upcoming summit; refugees stuck at Greek-Macedonian border, mugged and passport stolen, “I’m thinking of committing suicide”, MSF on “squalid conditions”, disease & flooding, “you can’t swim and sleep”; Merkel’s party “bleeding support” to AFD; RT on Germany placating Muslims: dropping pork, skirt ban, fireworks, crosses; RT’s annoying voiceover-free slideshows, ACC: “we can sue them!”
2:53:37Week off for women during menstruation; study finds fathers unimportant; “mono nuptuals”; “sexsomnia”; Mugabe: Zimbabwe to seize control of diamond mines