0:00:00 | Gong; ACC: “Jihaaad!” |
0:00:32 | New White House “engagement director”, scripted celebrity tweets, SotU “quagmire” gaffe, JCD: “it was a pack of lies”; Silicon Valley douchebag Jason Goldman’s condescending “I think you guys do this really well with the Today Show”, Matt Lauer’s “hungry for hope” question, Obama on Trump: “talk to me if he wins”, Trump SotU in a “Saturday Night skit” |
0:10:51 | American sailors detained in Iran, “a meal is served”, ACC: “this was a distraction from the Hillary Clinton e-mail release”, Kerry on Iran’s “quick response”, Catherine Herridge on FBI probe, Hillary: “unsourced, irresponsible claim”; humiliation a Geneva Convention violation |
0:20:21 | State of the Union: DNC’s Donna Brazile as commentator, guests Kim Davis and “headscarves”, ACC on makeup: “the President looked like a Cheeto!”; Nikki Haley attacks Trump in rebuttal, “we’ve never in the history of this country passed any laws … based on race or religion”; JCD: “he was smacking his lips … constantly”, Obama “Pre-K for all” and retraining, building a “twenty-first century transportation system”, as written vs as read, 48-hour speechwriting binge, “recklessness on Wall Street” and financial crisis, wages determined “in the boardrooms”; ACC on “two nuns, two beards” shots; Obama brags about military spending, ACC: “look at the girth of our army!”, “I believe in change because I believe in you” |
0:46:56 | Obama on political rancor, flashback to 2008 Democrat majority, JCD on Democrats “turning out the lights”; Obama: “we have to change the system to reflect our better selves”, Koch Brothers and Hitler meme, on voting: “modernize it”; Kim Davis praying for Obama; Kathleen Parker “Obama bukkake”: “high value of emotional intelligence”, Charlie Rose: “is he one of our brightest Presidents?”, Jon Meacham: “he speaks in these wonderful paragraphs” |
1:04:52 | Producer Segment: JCD on Land O’Lakes boob gag |
1:10:50 | Trump to Erin Burnett on disavowing white nationalist robocall: “how many times you want me to say it?”; JCD history of Jared Taylor, Shadows of the Rising Sun |
1:19:31 | Pelosi: Bill Clinton would be fair game “if he were running”; Donna Brazile: Trump “smearin’ Muslims”; Hillary to Alisyn Camerota on “enabler” role: “I have no response” |
1:26:58 | Things the Media Will Not Discuss: Clinton Foundation protest over Haiti, Joe Scarborough on Jeffrey Epstein: Trump “more dangerous than any person out there” |
1:31:50 | JCD 3x3: Tonight Show going easier on Trump |
1:33:37 | Chelsea Clinton: “Senner Sanders wants to dismannle Obamacare”, the “era” before ACA; Sanders on White House as “public housing”, Jerry Brown’s apartment; women all-in on Bernie, Dave Winer: “too Jewish”; State Department Global Engagement Center, social media startup funding; Al Jazeera America shutting down, Peyton Manning lawsuit |
1:46:30 | New vape packaging bill to force the little guys out of business; neighbor Seth on hoverboard emergency room injuries; David Bowie Street, satanscheerleaders.com , Obama “thank you Satan”; Patricia Paay Bowie hookup “whore” meme, Jerry Hall the 60-year-old golddigger |
2:04:26 | Donation Segment: Sir Richard Leiter’s National Survey of State Laws |
2:11:35 | “Necessity defense” for “Delta Five” oil train protesters, climatedisobedience.org |
2:15:39 | New Catalan secessionist president; EU interference in Poland; Canada rejecting single male refugees; Turkish bombing a tourism threat; Baltic Dry Index, bogus Chinese numbers |
2:29:35 | War on Crazy: Glenn Beck on doctors’ laptops and DHHS; Andrew Napolitano on published Executive Orders vs secret Actions |
2:34:33 | “DARPA is bringing back the vacuum tube”, ACC: “I’m in the market now for a Collins set” |