0:00:00 | ACC: “Hey, you wanna come to my bomb shelter, kids?” (1:35:25 ) |
0:00:34 | JCD: “it’s a police state, why should I go out?”; Austin fireworks at 10:00 |
0:02:17 | Texas open carry begins; drunk Obama “happy New Year everybody”, gun lobby “loud and well-organized in its defense of efforluttlessly available guns”; unloadyour401k.com divestiture push; University of North Dakota professor: stiff restaurant owners who allow open carry of “high-powered automatic weapons”, JCD: “it’s premeditated if you bring the card in” |
0:21:02 | Obama’s Instagram Star Wars photos; Bush Sr.’s unwillingness to mock political opponents |
0:26:08 | National {Mentoring, Slavery & Human Trafficking Prevention, Stalking Awareness} Month |
0:29:34 | We’re doomed in 21 days according to Al Gore; The Verge: Miami is doomed, 9.9 meter sea level rise, “Atlantis-like future”, India’s 2200 “climate deaths”; USGS maps for JCD |
0:39:01 | “Oregon Oathers” Malheur Refuge takecover, “militia” meme, re-arrest under oddball 1996 arson = terrorism law, LZ Granderson: “could you imagine what would have happened if a black man … stood in defiance of the federal government with semi-assault rifles?” |
0:46:43 | Tel Aviv shooting, Paris mosque ramming, Munich train station shutdowns, 3k police in NYC, “general permanent terror threat”; Munich Olympics shooting, 1975 LaGuardia bombing flashback; Brussels fireworks cancellation, car pushed into train station on YouTube, Munich “concrete information from the intelligence of a friendly country”, JCD on bomb threats |
0:54:53 | Six-Week Cycle: Emanuel Lutchman “pressure cooker bombs and knives” plot, “mental health issues”, “a couple of FBI informants” for $25k, “mental hygiene” arrests, “machete, duct tape, ammonia, and latex gloves” Walmart purchase, ACC: “they chose the black checker” |
1:04:08 | Producer Segment: railax.com |
1:20:41 | State Department’s 2015 “peace and security” for Syria achievement (CotD) |
1:21:56 | Hyperventilating Palmieri revisited on “ISIS recruiter” Trump meme “being used in social media”, “she didn’t have a particular video in mind”, Trump “starring” in new slapped-together video, “not by ISIS, as Hillary Clinton predicted”, Trump: “Hillary Clinton created ISIS with Obama”; al-Shabaab video for African-Americans; Howard Dean: “you just don’t mess with Bill Clinton, you’re gonna be finding yourself six feet under” |
1:33:27 | Hillary terrorizes boy with scripted mental health question; JCD on bomb shelters |
1:35:55 | Bill’s “fourteen??” women, JCD: “nice fabric”; new Trump ad spend, “Stradivarius” meme |
1:38:49 | Oaksterdam University “America’s first cannabis college”; Oregon 25% tax |
1:40:10 | NYC wireless IFB frequencies in or near the 70cm band |
1:41:48 | First female President for Taiwan, JCD on Taiwan-China history, $12bn in arms sales |
1:49:23 | Erdoğan extols Third Reich’s executive power, Turkey-Israel oil deal, ISIS training camps; Russia: NATO expansion a security threat, “not an inch east”, Ukraine-EU agreement |
2:00:10 | DH Unplugged hiatus; La Vie closure, appointment callbacks, ACC: Austin “guns and bugs” |
2:04:40 | Corsican independence; Mali-Senegal border, Muslims “do not accept the law of the state” |
2:09:08 | Donation Segment: mile-high “solo” club |
2:20:44 | ACC: Mexicans not up in arms over Trump deportation threats, JCD: “as opposed to those bloodthirsty Muslims”; RT on Saudi beheading-fest and Iranian backlash, US Shia-Sunni divide & conquer strategy, “civil war” oxymoron, new proxy war with Russia; riots in Bahrain |
2:29:13 | Millennial on “obsolete” Pentagon mainframe audit: “COBOL ain’t dead”, JCD: “there is corruption afoot”, Rumsfeld 9/10 flashback, omnibus bill defense increases |
2:35:26 | Facebook’s verified users and the police state |