0:00:00 | ACC: “Ham radio could save your life, man. It’s not just a hobby.” (2:04:40 ) |
0:00:33 | Remember, remember the Fifth of November |
0:03:03 | Dinner with the O-bots: Professor Jamie Pennebaker and performatives, liwc.net Linguistic Inquiry Word Count system, use by intelligence agencies; LIWC debate analysis: Cruz & Sanders most truthful, Hillary least truthful, Trump & Carson dumbest, Rubio knows he’ll be nominee; Ruth Pennebaker’s “voting for Hillary”, ignorance of migrant crisis, “blotto” on cognac, “ignoring your white privilege” shitstorm; Jamie on global warming: “you’ll adapt”; running follow-up e-mail through LIWC; breast cancer attitude shitstorm; TtK to the rescue on tiny houses; ACC heading to McDonald Observatory for tour; ACC: “I knew I was pretty drunk when Tina said, do you realize you’re riding your hoverboard through the house naked?” |
0:36:08 | ACC’s half-gigabyte storage expansion, Obama American dream clip rediscovered, Kentucky Rep. Greg Stumbo on “the middle-class dream of every American”; NewsHour on skewed Kentucky polls; Deport Racism “fuck you racist fuck” video, deportracism.com JavaScript pointing to Bernie & Hillary, JCD: Republican dirty trick |
0:47:53 | “Fan favorite” sports patriotism and Pentagon tax dollars, network conflict of interest |
0:53:44 | Producer Segment: Australia ditches peerage, Dutch 1945 “hunger winter” |
1:04:30 | Chad Williams “mighty men of valor” Biblical themes deconstruction; Ash Carter on ISIL: “we are … the noble and they are the evil”; Obama to Lester Holt: “we are not going to be fighting like we did in Iraq”; Kirby on policy change: “I don’t know that he ever ruled it out”; spokeshole Elizabeth Kennedy Trudeau’s “premature” meme on Free Syrian Army meeting Putin, “conversashuns”; Gayane Chichakyan: where is hospital supposedly struck by Russia, Trudeau: “maybe you should speak to the Russians”, Matt Lee to the rescue: “they say that you’re wrong”, “targeting civilian infrastructure”, Syrian-American Medical Society |
1:22:19 | Clapper: no evidence of “I-S-I-L” involvement in Metrojet 9268 crash; rumors of bomb on board, former NTSB head on TWA 800 “nanosecond” of sound on black box, TWA 800 shootdown video, “all conversation recorded between the crew in the cockpit is protected by Federal privacy laws”, MH17 2.3 milliseconds of audio; Blue Skies American-Israeli air drills; Chinese media blaming metal fatigue, JCD: “Bondo”; overloaded plane crash in Africa |
1:40:36 | Paris pollution; NASA: Antarctic ice increasing, ignored by media; French meteorologist firing for “crime of opinion”; Yemen cyclone landall “first time in recorded history”, JCD: “Amy Goodman, you’re an out-and-out liar”; JCD on elite anti-war anti-petrolium strategy, ACC on IPCC economics; Albert Pike “3 World Wars” letter; China burning more coal |
2:02:34 | MARS coronal mass ejection exercise, JCD: “first of all it takes all the Teslas off the road”; JCD: climate change the straw hat of our times; coital frequency heat wave drop |
2:10:57 | Donation Segment: Photoshop contest |
2:22:36 | White middle-age male death rate on the rise, suicide and heroin overdose; Georgia “food stamps” outage, “this food stamp card ain’t got nuthin’ but seventeen cents on it!”, “glitch” |
2:27:23 | Hillary’s reforms so “former Presidents won’t have to declare their criminal history” (CotD) |
2:31:22 | New refugee numbers; Bavaria to bus excess to Merkel in Berlin; Volkswagen brake recall, Moody’s downgrade, Deutche Bank $258M fine, 35k firings; Theresa May introduces revised “snooper’s charter”, bulk metadata collection, end-to-end encryption ban |
2:47:42 | Erdoğan win, proposed Constitutional power grab, opposition journalists arrested |
2:52:23 | Larry Lessig drops out of race, “under this new rule I am just shut out” of debate |