0:00:00 | JCD: “What, are we going to wear dancing slippers?” (0:42:12 ) |
0:00:33 | Time change reminder from JCD, JCD’s CRT iMac alarm clock, DST heart attack fun facts; flooding in Austin, reporter in tree |
0:06:58 | National {Adoption, College Application} Month, “a college degree is the surest ticket to the middle class”, National Apprenticeship Week, National {Diabetes, Military Family, Native American Heritage, Alzheimer’s Disease, Critical Infrastructure Security & Resilience} Month |
0:13:54 | Federal CIO Tony Scott’s $50bn CSSIP Cybersecurity Strategy & Implementation Plan |
0:18:12 | Metrojet crash ISIS tweet from CITE Intelligence Group, “their cell phones ringing in the debris”, John Cox on slowdown and descent; Bondo meme, MH17 parallel |
0:25:46 | Obama “boots on the ground” compilation, ACC: “the boots are attached to ankles”, “advisors” in Vietnam; Josh Earnest on mission change: “to say that, Jim, would only confuse the situation”, role “in no way diminishes the amount of risk”; former Navy Seal Chad Williams’ “mighty men of valor going over there for a righteous cause”, Kurds “good sled dogs” |
0:42:53 | Elizabeth Palmer on advisors in Northern Iraq, Mike Morell and Christopher Hill all-in on Kurdish autonomy, ACC: human shields vs Russia; Port Asalouyeh pipeline; Kerry repeats Daesh meme at Vienna meeting, name leaves out “Islamic”, Syrian vote to include diaspora |
1:01:46 | Producer Segment |
1:13:39 | Iso of the Day Showdown: deGrasse Tyson “so…”, “self-driving car”, Sharpton Star Wars |
1:19:06 | EU concern over human rights in Turkey, Erdoğan poised for election win, actor Levent Üzümcü: Istanbul’s state-sponsored theatre “slaves to authority”; EU-Turkey Joint Action Plan “solidarity, togetherness, and efficiency” to the tune of €7bn; Turkish E-bots |
1:30:02 | German morale suffering, another 30k refugees for Greece, Merkel at the mercy of CSU; EU border authority coordinator Frontex, Snowden anti-deportation resolution, ACC: “this is World War III”, CVC bug-out order; polio & syphilis; USA Today finally covers Gülen “Shirley Jackson Jones” trips, rug dealers’ celebrity photos; Where in the World is Victoria Kagan Nudelman: Ankara; Congressional Azerbaijan trip investigation |
1:50:14 | John Sifton eroding tolerance in Indonesia, JCD on Indonesian women as sex symbols |
1:53:51 | Another “e-cigarette” explosion, DoT checked luggage ban |
1:59:06 | Donation Segment: JCD takes credit for Ham Nation’s existence; bad ham = “lid” |
2:11:22 | Putin’s “climate change silence”, “Russians could spend less money on fur coats”; Bill Nye & Arnold Schwarzenegger “climate change grief” sketch; Ted Cruz grills Sierra Club president, warming pause “not up for a scientific debate”, Cruz: “climate change is not science, it’s religion”; climate change doomsday cult |
2:28:51 | Tech News: Chipotle closings over E. coli outbreak; FBI: just pay up if you get hit with ransomware; OpenDNS bought by Cisco, JCD: “at least it didn’t go to Oracle”; Apple TV’s lack of 4K support; Amazon Echo Alexa Skills Kit API |
2:37:28 | Ask Adam: what does Alanis Morissette mean with “these conversations being very sacred to me although definitely imperfect and not precious”, ACC: “I think it’s about juice” |
2:40:10 | Republican party ditches Telemundo debate over petty CNBC questions, Chuck Todd on “premeditated attack” on media; Charlie Rose to Rubio: “you called Hillary Clinton a liar”; hysterical Hillary in Atlanta, ACC: “we can do coke without goin’ to jail, whooo!”; Camille Paglia on Hillary: “she’s a fraud”, Bill a “sex criminal” |
2:53:00 | Bubonic plague case in Oregon |