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768 Terror Tuesdays (2015-10-25)

Show 768 album art
0:00:00ACC: (Dutch accent) “And we see, the tents are burning, tents are being burnt.” (1:39:39)
0:00:36Official eight-year anniversary celebration on Show 769
0:01:36ACC better post-rain; “perfect storm” Patricia, Eric “crybaby” Holthaus “It’s Undeniable” headline, NewsHour: “the most powerful hurricane that has ever existed on the planet in all of history”; Saturday’s “35mph winds”; Weather Underground guy: “cat seven range”, “mudslides and floods are also going to be a real issue”; Rothschild Weather Channel acquisition; CBS reporter phones it in: “much warmer than usual sea temperatures”; ACC’s leaky apartment; Kerry: deniers “disqualify themselves … from high public office”
0:28:15Benghazi hearing, November classified interviews; Hillary alone “the whole night” cackle; no office computer, spokeshole: “e-mail’s a relatively new beast”; “planned attack, not a protest” question, Hillary: social media “where the the Ansar al-Sharia claim was placed”; Patricia Smith on “February 17th” people, “she lies”; Woodruff: “why does it matter” that Hillary lied
0:47:08Producer Segment
0:59:40Ex-CIA Mel Goodman to Democracy Now: “what was learned was irrelevant, what was relevant wasn’t discussed”, CIA weapons buyback, “we came, we saw, he died” regime change; Hillary’s pee break, answer-reading cadence, medication, JCD: “she sounds like Kathy Bates”; Goodman on “gotcha questions”, Republican clowns meme, merger of CIA and Pentagon, politicization of intelligence, “President Obama has been intimidated … by the very military industrial complex that Eisenhower warned about in 1961”
1:10:26CISA advances in Senate, OPM $37M emergency funding removed
1:11:10Tony Blair apologizes for faulty Iraq intelligence; Lavrov on Syrian elections, Free Syrian Army, Kerry on “fight against Daesh”; new videos on SITE RSS feed, “slickly-produced” anti-ISIS al-Nusra Lucas Kinney video, Hanna’s Got Herpes; Jack Dorsey mock beheading
1:25:08ACC recommends Mark Hall’s Killing Ed documentary; Kucinich on Libya in 2012: “we want to stop the attacks on our embassies, let’s stop trying to overthrow governments”
1:32:39Jeb Bush whining: “elect Trump if you want that”
1:35:09Slovenia getting Croatia’s refugees; German pro-refugee propaganda; Swedish swordsman attack; WWIII, Safe Harbor ruling against Silicon Valley; Volkswagen’s multiple defeat devices
1:44:37Tech News: CNET’s Halsey Minor’s art collection heist; clock boy emigrates to Qatar; Amazon fake review crackdown, native ad, ABC-McDonald’s skit; “Remote Command Injection on Modern Smartphones”; question of conscience; Facebook photos in biometric database; iPhone-unlocking court case; Scahill on Drone Papers, “Terror Tuesday”, pedophiles on British list, Djibouti drone base expansion, ICARUS project, EKIA = dead civilian
2:08:54Donation Segment
2:21:29Odom’s “herbal supplements”, ACC: “a guy has saved his marriage with hookers and blow”
2:22:00Sir Atomic Rod: 1960s reactor core “could fit under my office desk”, modern lifespan 33 years
2:24:31Note on Fycompa side effects: “murder, forceful actions, fury, anxiety, and anger”
2:29:00Montenegro protests following Nuland’s July visit; Polish elections; Portugal’s Silva’s oddball coalition; Dutch Safety Board used no radar data
2:32:25Chelsea Clinton asked about Webb Hubbell as her father; JCD on Bill’s vasectomy
2:35:48CIA lawsuit documents stolen from UW’s Center for Human Rights
2:37:14JCD 3x3: CBS spot for GOA’s Larry Pratt, Texas open carry in 2016
2:41:44Classroom standing desks package; Lois Lerner off the hook; Icelandic bankers sentenced