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765 Smart Power (2015-10-15)

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0:00:00JCD: “Ooh, ooh, that’s his mike I think, I think that’s his mike.”
0:00:33ACC’s new sash from Dame Melody
0:02:11MH17 report from DSB headed by “the masher” van Vollenhoeven, missile animation video, Buk maker: obsolete model used by Ukraine; RT’s Gayane Chichakyan exposes bogus expert Eliot Higgins; CBS on “defense analyst” Higgins’ “social media evidence”; Vice’s Shane Smith lies to Colbert: “I still own the company”; JCD on Mitchell Brothers shooting animation
0:22:46Democrat debate: Hillary’s A-frame jacket, Huma pre-show podium check; Suffragette ads, London red carpet lie-in; Pooper whines about Clinton Global Initiative gig, ACC: “please pay no attention to the fact that he’s ex-CIA”, Pooper’s Glass-Steagall cheat sheet; JCD: O’Malley looks like Linus Pauling; Chafee only “Republican” to vote against Iraq; media goading Biden to run, “honey, it’s going to be OK” ad; Joe Scarborough on “Trump deniers”, Pooper: why isn’t Trump buying ads; debate proper delayed 20 minutes by ads
0:48:33Hillary: Gaddafi “had American blood on his hands”, European allies “burning up the phone lines”, “Arabs”, American response “smart power at its best”; Snowden’s whistleblower protection, “he stole very important information that has … fallen into a lot of the wrong hands”
0:53:56Jim Webb on gun control and self-defense; ACC “our country”; JCD: Hillary’s odd cadence; Hillary to Buzzfeed girls on hypohydrosis: “I was constructed in a garage in Palo Alto”; Van Jones: Hillary = Beyonce; JCD on National Anthem at baseball games, ACC standing up for anthem at home; Hillary butts in on Syria, on losing to Obama: “he values my judgment”
1:13:08Producer Segment
1:22:02Black guy at Trump rally: Obama “helped that I have my young people get killed by the police department”; The View lusting after Martin O’Malley, “gird your loins”, ACC: “the single most sexist moment on mainstream television this week” (CotD); Google Hangout with Rand Paul: “I wouldn’t be doing this dumb-ass live streaming if I weren’t”
1:28:41Lamar Odom’s “herbal Viagra” at brothel, Pooper: “sexual performance enhancers of some sort”, CNN/Pfizer skit; “Cubs win World Series” in Back to the Future 2
1:39:21Treasury Department video on $10 bill redesign, #TheNewTen
1:43:26Ten-minute NPR piece from April 2014 on US Toyota Hilux deliveries; RT needling about 20 US strikes per day; Steve Kroft to Obama: Putin hijacking US leadership; JCD on American face-saving; EU divided on Assad
1:54:43Jeremy Corbyn vs the teleprompter, “(strong message here)”
1:56:52Volkswagen’s strangely low death & injury claims
1:59:10Letter from Obama to Senate: 90 troops deploying to Cameroon, Chad-Cameroon pipeline
2:01:09Donation Segment
2:11:10Nation of Islam’s Tony Muhammed on vaccines engineered to kill black and latino boys,; Rep. Bill Posey: whistleblower Dr. William Thompson on race effects and “autism-like” effects suppressed from CDC study; opium acreage down in Afghanistan
2:24:42Chicago school superintendent’s fraud indictment; “school based universal behavioral emotional screening system” letter, “parent caregivers”; Jindal on Obama’s arrogance toward governors; Seed Man getting divorced
2:33:57IPCC Paris coming up; EPA’s $75M militarization; Siberian virus; French meteorologist fired for book critical of IPCC; “climate justice tribunal” proposal; SodaStream CEO on “pollutant”
2:40:57Assange’s $17M police vigil ends; “lawfare” in secret Alexandria court; Operation Mockingbird