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753 Office of Suck It Up (2015-09-03)

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0:00:00ACC: “If I get an electric car I’ll save the refugees, or some crap like that (1:01:47)
0:00:37UN: journalists should use “refugees”; ACC’s birthday, JCD on going farsighted with age
0:03:31National Wilderness Month, We the People petition: Obama to “drink own urine” on Running Wild, National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month, NBC: talk to kids about alcohol at age nine, National {Childhood Cancer Awareness, Childhood Obesity Awareness, Preparedness, Prostate Cancer Awareness} Month
0:07:41Dinner With the O-bots: Mayanist Dave Stuart, JCD: “you should’ve gotten his autograph … have him do it in Mayan”, wife Carolyn and McDonald Observatory, Giant Magellan Telescope, Neil Armstrong’s dime; “cue Adam” moment, Obama great achievement review; PBS ombudsman scolds Ifill over “take that Bibi” tweet, JCD Twitter journalist bias sub-project
0:21:55NBC Arctic “climate change refugees”, $300k per person to move 12 miles away
0:28:32Obama in Alaska: 75 gigatons of ice loss per year, “sea levels rose by about eight inches over the last century”, “another one to four feet this century”, “submerged countries … that’s not a future of strong economic growth” (CotD); Putin & Medvedev workout video, 41 Russian icebreakers vs our two; Obama’s spawning salmon, red kitchen gloves, “happy to see me” punchline, networks protecting from ridicule; RT Crosstalk on climate change migration
0:46:37Photos of Syrian refugee boy’s body on Turkish beach; stranded and “kettled” in Budapest train station for lack of Schengen visa, “we need a little bit of human rights”, emerging orange-shirted spokesman; Hungarian Prime Minister: “nobody would like to stay in Hungary”; JCD on history of passport control; ACC: majority from Syria, JCD: refugees “high-ambition”
1:01:54RT: Turkey bombing Kurds instead of ISIS; Gazprom: may join Arabian pipeline
1:05:47Producer Segment: La Cucaracha “no no no”; NA saves child from aspartame headache
1:28:17University of Tennessee 1970’s te, ter, tem fractal/cycle, State Representative vs Vice Chancellor of Diversity and “if you do a Google” Inclusion, “gender nonconforming” vs “they probably need to have the Office of Suck It Up”; Harvard registration pronoun choice; WSU to penalize use of “male” and “female”, “there are rules in the world so you kinda have to follow them”; portable remote backpacks, Leo’s SxSW rig; ACC’s Verizon booster RF burn, on beach for Sunday show, JCD: “you’re going to be the greatest old fart ever
1:42:44NOTAM on TCAS unreliability in Southeast due to DoD exercise; DHS low-flying helicopter radiation measurement in San Francisco, blade flap, JCD’s wing-over in Kauai, mast-bumping
1:52:40New batch of Hillary e-mails, bullcrap “they didn’t know it was you”, gefilte fish, Axelrod’s “domestic messes”, Boehner the lazy alcoholic, Clinton’s multiple addresses, “top aide” Abedin in Trump crosshairs, “highly unusual for a Presidential candidate to go after an advisor”, ACC: classified by nature and not by stamp; Project Veritas Canadian button-buying video
2:10:02JCD 3x3, ABC-only police shooting footage “purchased by ABC affiliate KSAT”
2:16:06Donation Segment: Tina “The Keeper”; “illegal books” from Sir Patrick; eight of diamonds
2:39:22Today Show and ABC Monday C-block native ads
2:43:41MTV VMAs: Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award for Kanye, weed-fueled candidacy announcement, airbrushed abs, Taylor Swift “happy that … girls can play soldiers”
2:49:02Increase in police ambushes; DHS perceived terrorist threat survey: sovereign citizens #1, SPLC video on warning signs, “without prejudice” on contracts, Timothy McVeigh et al “a catalyst for the birth of armed militias”, Ron Paul bumper stickers
3:08:07Margaret Sanger: “I think the greatest sin in the world is bringing children into the world”