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752 Gender Binary (2015-08-30)

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0:00:00ACC: “Swallowing! gulp gulp gulp” (1:34:21)
0:00:33ACC at Google self-driving car event, ACC: “this was the stupidest thing I’ve ever been to”, staff pass lying on ground, phase one for training people how to take over in 2020, banjo band
0:05:32ACC back in Austin, iPhone overheating “glitch” on the stream; Verizon MiFi and credit history; corrupted .m4a file, stream backup
0:09:04HSBC “glitch” halts BACS direct debit system in United Kingdom
0:13:28Robert Blagojevich on witness protection & CIA data lost in OPM breach (CotD), Hunter Biden on Ashley Madison account: created by Russians, McAfee: inside job
0:22:23North and South Korea to hold follow-up talks, joint exercises “swagger on display”; generals “dismissed”, “more heavily surveilled than any other officials there”
0:28:53University of Tennessee at Knoxville Pride Center’s gender-neutral pronouns for “people who do not identity within the gender binary”: “ze, hir, hirs, and xe, xem, xyr
0:37:03Fundamental Common Core goal failed because of states creating their own tests
0:38:37Black pastors demand removal of Margaret Sanger bust from Smithsonian, “Margaret Sanger was a white supremacist”; Hillary’s 2010 Margaret Sanger award
0:42:10ABC’s Hillary word cloud: “liar”, Trump “bizarre” toupee check, Jeb Bush ABC/Disney connection; Bill Clinton’s proposed speeches in North Korea & Congo, $48M total; Hillary on deportations: “put them, I don’t know, in buses, boxcars”; Bill Maher on Mexicans who “exploit us by picking our fruit”, Jorge Ramos “get out of our country”, Univision-Clinton connections, “$50 for each confirmed kill” redneck humor, Wendy Davis: “he’s race baiting, he’s race baiting”, “European-style demagogic politician”, Maher plays the Hitler card
0:59:30Trump-Cruz Zionist Organization of America event; Nazi train discovered in Poland; Cruz evangelical speaking style, “Death to America Day”; Trump to Katy Tur: “you’re going to see something very interesting”, South Carolina requires support pledge, JCD: write-in candidate, $10-17 in tax money per person to run a primary (JCDPPotD)
1:18:54Producer Segment: Grimerica knighthood; Lance Ulanoff podcasting article
1:29:05New segment: fact check of the day, Pedobear archbishop dead of “natural causes”
1:30:42President’s podcast on Alaska tour, “six to twelve degrees” by 2100, “beginning to swallow one island community”; Maher Santorum-baiting with Pope; House hearing on aircraft emissions
1:42:01Virginia newscast shooting “photographer” and early hours explained; Trump: “this isn’t a gun problem, this is a mental problem”; Andy Parker to be the “John Walsh of gun control”, “if Alison or Chr… or, or Adam had been carrying an AK-47”; American Public Health Association’s wiki, “one a day” meme picked up by Bill Maher; ACC: Chris Hurst is the crazy one, “he has tried to create a narrative; that is one that I hope everybody quickly quickly forgets”; no wire from camera to van; ACC: “it was a gay lovers’ spat”
2:03:13Donation Segment: Airstream crack, “caulk”, “moist” word aversions
2:16:41Refrigerated truck full of dead “migrants” in Austria, coincidental EU-Balkan meeting in Vienna, EU unprepared, 50k Italian arrivals in six months, Iraqi refugee’s story of being packed into refrigerated compartment, Germany’s 800k applicants, Theresa May says “no” to quota, blames “criminal gangs”, ACC: “we will have to take out Assad”, Austrians handing out clothing, Richard Engel “trail of tears” meme
2:38:03Regime change in Guatemala, Pérez Molina on CIA payroll, situation “out of control”
2:44:36Sharpton moving to 8:00 Sunday