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744 Toxic Speech (2015-08-03)

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0:00:00ACC: “Auuugh!
0:00:35Iranian 165° “heat dome”; subjective Mercalli scale vs Richter; eleven kids locked in cars dead; Erica Hill-Yount; hysterical ABC on FDA “unprecedented” hackable infusion pump warning, “no specific hacking attempt”; NBC “exclusive” Chinese hacking map; CISA up for debate
0:12:20ACC’s seedy Virgin America flight to Dallas
0:16:09“Federal fog”, Cisco “fog computing” for IoT, fog computing expo, pre-recess legislative push; four arrests in pump & dump scheme linked to J.P. Morgan hack, “Woof of Wall Street”, “digital version of Fort Knox”, hackers “mowed through the data”; Executive Order: Creating a National Strategic Computing Initiative for high-performance computing, “public-private collaboration”, “exascale”, “post- Moore’s Law era”; hysteria over drone sightings at JFK
0:41:46ACC’s Podcast Movement Hall of Fame Award; JCD on Texas Giant roller coaster tower “to see if anybody on the coaster is dead”; event hosted by Colt Cabana, shoutout to Leo, “crappy things Leo has said about him” Youtube comment, “go podcasting!” vs “go Cleveland!”, no Mailchimp sponsorship; JCD: “has-been award”; Obama “no no no” Chicken Dance
0:56:51Producer Segment: link between chemicals and Parkinson’s; Princess Leia and Hillary
1:18:45Love Field Venezuelan shoeshine guy’s 200 acres confiscated, “civil war, guaranteed”; no IMF Greek money, Wolfgang Schäuble and reunification, KfW Lehman Bros. €300M margin call
1:24:47Cecil the lion’s brother Jericho: alive or dead?, Trump kids’ photos with trophies, JCD: “I like that band, by the way, Dead Leopard!”, Zimbabwe NGO propagating the story
1:28:20Planned Parenthood and H&HS budget, Josh Earnest on seeing videos: “I suspect somebody has”, “it’s another boy!”, Earnest information “based on the public comments of Planned Parenthood”, “the high ethical standard that they live up to”, “highly edited” meme; Sylvia Burwell to Roe: “I have not seen the videos, I’ve read the articles”, “eyes, degenerative diseases, Down syndrome, autism, or the issue of belief”, Roe’s ultrasound talking point
1:41:55Tom Wheeler: “boy am I glad you asked that question” to scripted question on “seventeen different forms in one envelope”, “we just won a prize”, JCD: “stuffing the ballot box”, Association for Federal Information Resources Management NGO Oracle partner
1:47:37I am Cait not performing too well, “L+3” ratings, Fox & Friends laugh-fest at accidentally detonated suicide vest; car hacking controversy with Sir Gene
1:55:40Haitian bonbon terres dirt cookies; Afghanistan’s bacha posh “secret third gender”
2:02:03Baltimore murder and shooting rate “soared” in July, #blacklivesmatter vs #alllivesmatter, JCD police “let’s back off” theory, No Agenda #nolivesmatter
2:03:39Donation Segment: NASA Kepler-452b fabrications; bin Laden plane crash teaser
2:13:17ACC on bin Laden crash at Blackbushe: Embraer 300 “needs the entire runway”
2:15:06RNC strategist on an absolute “at the end of the day” tear, JCD: “every nine seconds”
2:17:48Dempsey singing for kids; Hulk Hogan’s “consequences for utilization of toxic speech”
2:24:30MH17 tribunal vote brought by Malaysia, removed from human trafficking list two days later; Northern Syria no-fly zone, Turkish Kurd bombings, PYD & PKK
2:31:33Joe Biden “90% in”; Mark Toner: no “information that should have been classified at the time”, Giuliani: investigate “five different crimes”, ACC on fake Abedin-Weiner marriage, Hillary’s $600 haircut; Chris Matthews to Wasserman Schultz: “what’s the big difference between a democrat and a socialist”; Bernie Sanders’s “commonsense solution” on guns
2:47:47Global Zero celebrity “dude, ‘cause we’d be dead” video pushing Iran deal