0:00:00 | JCD: “I’m the queen, and she has this [?] way of talking, this lot, lot, wuhhh.” (1:28:02 ) |
0:00:36 | JCD’s Skype “is this ad relevant”; Newsletter lack of opens mystery; shirtless guys passed out in pools of vomit at the Crackpot Condo; ubiquitous “it’s so funny” |
0:13:10 | Self-esteem movement feedback from millennials, Barney the Dinosaur’s “everyone is special” |
0:19:02 | Sandra Bland high-quality dashcam audio; Alan Dershowitz on “contempt of cop”, “do not exercise” Constitutional rights, “soccer mom” case Supreme Court ruling; Martin O’Malley “all lives matter”, JCD PC World “spokesperson” as code word story, MSNBC twerps giggling at Black Lives Matter representative’s “any opportunity we have to shut down a Republican convention, we will”, founders with three different nonprofits, National Domestic Workers Alliance Soros-funded to the tune of $33M, JCD on NWO as war insurance for the rich |
0:45:00 | Obama “no no no” to Jon Stewart; volunteer “guys in T-shirts” for healthcare.org fix, US Digital Service, JCD: “Stewart’s just sitting there with his thumb up his ass” (JCDPPotD), Ashley Madison producers on clientele, Digital Service “scrubbed in” promo video (Show 693); Obama: hope posters “no no no no”; Stewart cuts off Obama to go to commercial |
1:01:02 | Producer Segment |
1:16:40 | “Croissant boys”; commentators sneering at Donald Trump in spite of high numbers, MSNBC shake-up, “something is amiss here” on Hillary’s low numbers, Hillary’s haughty “one-word-at-a-time” diction on “inaccuracies” in classified e-mail report, ACC: “her hair looks dynamite!”; Jake Tapper asks Joe Arpaio about Obama’s birth certificate: “you say that because there are glitches in some of the printing?”; France vingt-quatre on Obama Kenya visit: “the country’s most famous native son”, sweetened or miked-room clip of Obama joking about birth certificate in tent; La Raza Trump-bashing, Hillary: “¡basta!” |
1:39:14 | Kerry on Iran deal: “the rest of the world thinks it’s a good agreement”, Israeli attack on Iran an “enormous mistake”, “then you’re gonna hear everybody say, uh-oh, we gotta go bomb them, now”; Fox News Kerry “demonstrably false” statement compilation; Josh Earnest on classified IAEA side deals |
1:50:39 | Comey stint at the mysterious Bridgewater, Palantir “killer app”, douchebag Alexander Karp, EINSTEIN 3; Aspen Institute event moderated by Andrea Mitchell, Loretta Lynch asked about “most serious threat to the homeland from terror”, threat “morphing”, al-Qaeda “old-school”, “the Maghrim”, ISIL and “the independent contractors of terrorism”, “splinting and morphing”; Lafayette theater shooting, “known anti-government websites” being searched; Chattanooga victim Skip Wells appears to have died in 2009 |
2:10:57 | CNN’s Rachel Crane: “when I see bugs I wanna stomp on them”, Mexican bugs, JCD: “where’s the eat local theme?”, “it’s really weird to open up the taco and see a bug in there” (CotD) |
2:16:12 | Donation Segment |
2:26:53 | JCD archival story on Al Gore sexual assault allegation; Bruce Jenner car crash video released |
2:32:49 | Second Half of Show: dead “part alien” operative Jeffrey Lash, $5M in guns; “kill bag” |
2:36:52 | War on Crazy: Sam Johnson, “President Obama is at it agin’”, Social Security gun grab; Obama “commonsense” meme on BBC; “mental defective” à la VA, “moviegoers are dying”, Carol CNN on CDC gun violence study vs defunding: “I know you can’t comment” |
2:47:53 | NASA discovers earth’s “closest twin” Kepler-452b |
2:52:34 | Malaria vaccine Mosquirix developed by GSK and PATH; Lord Sewel “hookers and blow” resignation, JCD on Michael Wolff Rupert Murdoch biography |