731 Culture Vulture (2015-06-18)

0:00:00 | JCD: “And just beat the crap out of him in the courtroom.” ACC: “Nice!” ( 1:03:24 ) |
0:00:35 | Warriors won; alternative No Agenda openings |
0:01:56 | “Anticipated” Papal encyclical, Brazilian theatrical trailer, PBS “leaked version”, “the embargo has been lifted”, “very solid scientific consensus”, “I’m going to take the science for what it says”; “the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor”, “extra sweater”, Holdren: nine or ten billion in 2050, renewables and nuclear, “the challenge of the Valley of Death”; Biden: US “epicenter of energy”, renewables to “increase exponentially”, no mention of gas |
0:24:32 | Russia to add 40 ICBMs to arsenal in “nuclear saber rattling”, ACC in Dutch accent: “our air force will be out patrolling when we have the sufficient coal to fuel them”, Pentagon to |
0:32:58 | IMF Ukraine “lending into arrears”; Bill Clinton on lobbying for Boeing, Haiti money; Le Bourget Air Show, huge Boeing orders from Russia and China, new Air Force One; Clinton on donor influence on State Department: “nobody even suggested it or talked about it or thought about it”, State Department “economic diplomacy work” |
0:42:39 | Trump to Stephanopoulos on Hillary’s e-mail manipulation; Amy Goodman: “rambling kickoff speech” branding Mexicans “criminals and rapists”; visa woes from Oracle upgrade, hardware blamed; Trump promises “great wall”; Trump vs Reagan; hide under UN roof evergreen |
0:56:35 | McLaughlin Group crime spike prediction; Dylann Storm Roof church shooting, Mayor: “filled with hate”, license plate LBF330, plenty of Feds on scene; Ali Shukri Amin case in Virginia, adult guilty plea, attorney Joseph Flood: “very socially immature although very bright kid”, FBI imam; CNN on “active consumers of ISIS propaganda”; Rep. Michael McCaul on “internet terrorism fone viral”, “dark space of the internet”, July 4 small-scale event prediction |
1:26:32 | Producer Segment |
1:40:34 | Rachel Dolezal whipping up Baltimore crowd; interview on white people playing black film roles; trans-race “identify as black” meme, JCD on Black Like Me promotion; Howard University discrimination suit over artwork, “her blackness is a performance”; Black History TV man on the street: “orange is the new black”, “epitome of a culture vulture”, whites now “Europeans”, “white spaces”; Paul McHugh WSJ article on the danger of transgender hype |
2:11:40 | Two North Carolina shark attacks: Shark Week or Jaws promo? |
2:15:19 | Dannemora prison escape: cutting torch not power tools, wrong heights in mug shots |
2:17:25 | Donation Segment |
2:25:19 | ACC’s Mac overheats, shuts down; “box mod” vaporizers; ITM: Instantaneous Thought Manifestation; Bush’s “Jeb!” branding, “President with a period” joke, ABC News chirping bird |
2:30:42 | Delfi AS v. Estonia ruling: web site liable for user comments; Richard Prince rephotographing Instagram photos under fair use |
2:37:03 | Tech News: AT&T to pay $100M for throttling unlimited data users, “download a speed app” bogus tip; German researchers warn about “apps”; Josh Earnest on OPM hack: “sensitive data”, Katherine Archuleta grilled by Chaffetz: “we didn’t ask you to come read statements, I wanted to know why you didn’t encrypt the information” |
2:49:56 | Watch-fumbling Kirby on Iran concessions: “put a fork in it”, “it’s just that simply true”; Hannity gives away “leg chair”, “that’s not what we call it, Sean” |