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724 Nice Fabric (2015-05-24)

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0:00:00Applause and cheering
0:00:36“Jiggle the handle” at Central Park That Guitar Man concert; crappy Delta terminal restaurants; new Dyson hand dryers, JCD on the virtues of paper towels; “interesting” flight to Austin, Nicaraguan Über spy to the rescue; no TSA Pre✓, “made some friends” in opt-out
0:14:54Open carry law passes Texas Senate, ACC: “I cannot wait to go to Whole Foods”; Bill Nye’s Rutgers “science and the useful arts” an artificially truncated intellectual property doctrine
0:18:33Adult Video Awards, Bill Clinton “nice fabric”, “you have to give shout-outs to the Illuminati”
0:21:46Before-and-after Donetsk airport photos; Nuland’s Susan Rice uptalk cadence; Poroshenko predicts Russian offensive, “we want to have this level of cooperation … to build up very pro-European army here on the East”, Kerry give-away: “I’m trust and I don’t think any suspicious that Ukraine would be traded on the relationship between Russia and United States”; possible regime change on €3bn bond maturity, corruption rumors; Finland checks in with reservists, “relations are definitely icy”; ACC on downcast-eyed “I’m from Russia” café girl
0:36:44Uncle Don Pot Shards South Korea tour, TV interview execution skepticism, 2010 op-ed on Cheonan sinking “sort of made me the skunk at the garden party”, ACC: “republiskunk”; “no audience who would applaud” Obama DPRK relations, “debates within the military industrial complex”, China happy with division, THAAD big bucks for Lockheed-Martin
0:48:32Frontline on CIA torture report: unreleased parallel Panetta report leaked to Feinstein committee, CIA apologist Laughlin: ex post facto interpretation; Brennan tried to keep everything under wraps, 2014 Republican victors including Rubio sweeping reports under the rug
0:59:03Producer Segment: TSA officers not peace officers but still cry over badges
1:14:58McLaughlin Group Chris Roberts “highhacking” debate: everyone all-in except Eleanor
1:19:13Guatemalan ministers arrested for rigging contract in favor of “pharmaceutical firm”; San Francisco topless protests over female police killings; The Talk black stereotyping from Sheryl Underwood on Cannes high heels: “I woulda cuss dey ass out when I was wearin’ high heels but all dis damn walkin’, my big ass walked it down to a flat”; Obama Jewish Heritage Month speech: “honorary member of the tribe”; ironic paddles in Seattle protest with plastic kayaks
1:31:40ACC: cricket flour cupcakes in Red Book, JMD and friend eating sample bugs
1:34:43HR 1508 establishing asteroid property rights; International Flag of Planet Earth proposal
1:41:51Yoko Ono’s “brief romantic fling” with Hillary; Monica Langley “grabs Hillary’s knee” interview; 300 e-mails released, one re-classified by FBI; ACC: coming-out “would clinch it”
1:49:12Donation Segment: Chinese funeral strippers; Show 724 “ISIS Slave” art NSFW?
2:03:30JCD’s nuking Middle Eastern oil theory revisited; ISIS Palmyra takeover, UNESCO call for cease-fire to preserve “antiquities”, McCain: “key area that connects different parts of Syria”, 10k boots on the ground needed, WWII Palmyra pipeline war; 2012 DIA document calls for rist of “Islamic State” to isolate Assad; ITN report with weapons cache and Assad poster, atrocities “too graphic to show”, B-roll plaster-smashing; $2bn sale to Saudi Arabia, Yemeni bombings still going on; Qatari scimitar beheadings, 2016 “Corrupt Cup”, BBC on working conditions for migrant laborers: “our arrest was dramatic”, ITN = CIA
2:25:11UK 1400-man Pedobear investigation; AVN dingbat: “all the people in the world should do DPs because that would being world peace” (CotD); new Colonel Sanders: “dip yourself in poo”
2:31:34Tech News: June 30 leap second “Y2K’s distant cousin”; Google click-to-buy banner ads; ACC’s Airbnb bath mat eating Roomba; Clooney’s Tomorrowland climate propaganda