0:00:00 | JCD: “I think a lot of it has to do with the texture of the meat, and the flavor. (2:23:20 ) |
0:00:34 | JCD “brown goo” overcast; opening do-over; ACC in New York for Fleet Week, It’s Only a Play with selfie sticks, JCD at Golden Gate Bridge “selfie stick central” |
0:09:10 | Letterman’s final show, degraded quality of archival material, ACC “fifteen minutes of legacy”, few surviving Ampex 2-inch machines for years of material; JCD’s new Tascam DAT |
0:13:58 | FBI ISIS warnings for New Jersey high schoolers; “trigger warnings”; NCIS “crude version of Morse code” terrorist messages embedded in music |
0:21:33 | Bin Laden’s bookshelf, explicit Seymour Hersh disclaimer, “CEO of al-Qaeda central”, online membership application: “who to contact if you become a martyr”, “treasure trove”, “Abbottabad” first syllable stress, “favorite wife”, other wife to remove fillings as possible Iranian trackers; Mike Morell grilled by Chris Matthews on Bush-Cheney briefings; Hillary: “I made a mistake, plain and simple” on Iraq war support; Morell: “… we think you’re wrong, right?”; Bush “hatchet man” Cheney; Morell on $25M payoff: “um, not going to answer that question”, burial at sea, Usama selfies, “I watched the video and I saw pictures” |
0:52:39 | Catherine Herridge on DIA memo: Benghazi planned ten days in advance for 9/11, ISIS rise predicted, gun running to Syria, Morell on CIA tracking it: “can’t talk about that”, “yes, we played no role — now, whether we were watching other people do it, I can’t talk about it” |
0:59:27 | Producer Segment |
1:06:34 | “How to fix this” questions, multi-million-dollar crowd funding examples, local activism |
1:12:37 | Aviation insider note: accessing avionics from entertainment system impossible; Chris Roberts on Security Weekly podcast: “called bullshit” on GAO report via Twitter; “obviously you’ve got the iPad issues”; previously worked for FBI veteran Kevin Knierim at Cyopsis LLC; DHS I.G. John Roth on $3.7M for TSA background checks a “massive, massive challenge” |
1:33:37 | RIAA, MPAA lawsuit dry-up, Spotify adding video and podcasts of IPO, JCD explains $8.4bn “valuation”; Trannies on Acid extortion business |
1:39:51 | New “flakka” drug and LAX security run-through: “he had a strange smile on his face the entire time”; new heroin synthesis, ACC: “we won’t need any more wars”; cocaine “booger sugar” protocols and Rand Paul filibuster, separation of powers collapse and Executive “behemoth” |
1:53:00 | New Obama Twitter account; “we can’t then axe the police to be the ones to solve the problem” |
1:55:11 | Donation Segment: ACC saw The Seed Man at Bar Chi Sushi |
2:08:37 | Bill Nye cites Constitution Article 1 Section 8 “science and the useful arts” at Rutgers commencement; Obama to Coast Guard Academy: “the science is indisputable”, CO2 800k year high, Charleston flooding at high tide (chatroom: it’s below sea level), naval bases to be “swamped”; Impossible Foods CEO on “hard core meat eaters”, animal farming “single biggest environmental threat in the world today”, 4k glasses of water per person per day; Nigerian restaurant shut down for serving “long pig” human flesh |
2:28:14 | Upcoming Irish referendum on gay marriage, ACC demands Apple pull-out if voted down |
2:30:27 | ISIS in Palmyra; Khamenei: no nuclear scientist interviews; Iran vs Saudis on Yemeni relief |
2:34:35 | CNN on P-8A Poseidon “classified US intelligence flights”: “this is Chinese Navy, please go away quickly”; North Korea cancels Ban Ki-moon’s Kaesong park visit, execution over military food supplies; Ash Carter on Russian Pentagon computer attack; Morell on foreign governments in Obama’s unclassified e-mail |
2:48:56 | Double mastectomy, hysterectomy from son’s DNA test, Color Genomics $249 test promotion |