0:00:00 | JCD: “Well, it’s crowd control, let’s face it, that’s what it amounts to.” (1:52:34 ) |
0:00:34 | JCD’s “tower of terror”, rain in Austin, ACC at LBJ All the Way play, iPhone weather alert, three instances of “what difference, at this point, does it make” |
0:06:43 | National {Teacher Appreciation, Charter Schools} Week, missing {Police, Nurses} weeks |
0:07:58 | JCD in search of S.R. 173 text |
0:12:09 | Google acquires Timeful, Frog and Toad Together to-do list video; JCD on Microsoft’s Ignite 2015, patch Tuesday going away; Alix Steel on lithium production: “you pound it into what winds up looking like cocaine”; no decent chemistry sets to be had, Salem teacher arrested for Tesla coil burn, JCD: “this is where STEM is headed” |
0:30:11 | Sheryl Sandberg’s husband David Goldberg’s death, 36-hour delay announcing cause, head trauma & hypovolemic shock, SurveyMonkey donations to douchey Humane Society, 6:30 to 7:00 time change, brother Robert suddenly on scene; David on long-distance relationship; 2004 marriage immediately after Sandberg divorce; Robert “bogus bad boy” Goldberg sold company to Topps, Facebook a significant client; leaked Sony Goldberg/Linton strategy e-mails |
0:51:44 | Hip-hop determined to be most influential genre in last 50 years of popular music |
0:54:11 | Producer Segment: proposed No Agenda art exhibit |
1:06:02 | Bernie Sanders: “if an institution is too big to fail, it is too big to exist”; Ron Paul supporters watch-listed, possible honeypots; Stephanopoulos Huckabee interview: “Clintons know how to win”; Bill Clinton Today Show Africa packages, “there is a very deliberate attempt to take the Foundation down”, on speaking gigs: “it’s the most independence I can get” |
1:23:37 | “Obama Global Initiative” My Brother’s Keeper Alliance announced, to be run by former Deloitte CEO Joe Echevarria; Colin Powell, Eric Holder on advisory council, no Sharpton |
1:30:24 | Garland Texas not a Six-Week Cycle event; SPLC’s Potok declares portrays AFDI as hate group; Robert Spencer on CNN, “free speech vs provocation”; Geller, Wilders SWAT selfies; “shout fire in a crowded theater” meme on Chris Matthews, 1942 Supreme Court Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire ruling: no protection for “fighting words”; Dutch “fuck the King” arrests; French shitstorm over bogus Béziers Mayor list of Muslim students |
1:55:21 | FireEye Inc. certified as middleman for DHS information sharing |
1:59:55 | NCIS on “The Calling” terrorist cell recruiting children on the internet |
2:02:05 | CJCS nominee Joseph Dunford epic stammer to committee on Defense Innovation Unit cost; Elton John to Senate panel on AIDS, Lindsey Graham on PEPFAR sequestration |
2:12:25 | Donation Segment |
2:18:35 | JCD’s pointless Staples commercial with overcaffeinated woman |
2:20:04 | “Chilling” disclosure of Andreas Lubitz rehearsing for descent, captain also left flight deck during first leg of flight; flight data recorder found to no media fanfare, Lubitz’ iPad discovered |
2:28:30 | Soledad O’Brien: “thug is a proxy”; Daily Kos pushed meme in 2014; Marilyn Mosby to prayer group: “they are not thugs, they are our children”; Freddie Gray’s 30 arrests; Juan Williams calls back to 1965 Moynihan report The Negro Family: The Case For National Action; Democratic racism in civil rights era; Rialto body cam experiment, invest in evidence.com |
2:46:54 | British elections: possibility of Queen stepping in, probable coalition |
2:54:49 | Autonomous semi trucks; Germany to lose 18M jobs to robots by 2030, “concierge economy” |
2:58:20 | Chuck Norris “wacko” Jade Helm op-ed, Six-Week Cycle July 15; Armani Nazi uniforms |
3:03:54 | CO2 at levels not seen in 2M years; Al Gore loves Pope Francis |