0:00:00 | JCD: “Is that not the most insulting thing you could do?” |
0:00:34 | Ants swarming JCD’s cowbell |
0:01:18 | May 1 Law Day U.S.S. to celebrate Magna Carta, Loyalty Day, National {Small Business, Public Service Recognition} Week, National {Asian-American Pacific Islander Heritage, Foster Care, Building Safety, Physical Fitness & Sports, Mental Health Awareness, Older Americans} Month; Older Americans Act of 1965, 60 and older |
0:09:17 | Melissa Harris-Perry: “little tiny producer but very invested in boxing”, JCD: “she’s a sizeist”, “why do we care about little guys fighting?”; Mayweather’s sideways boxing style |
0:13:00 | Professionally printed signs in Baltimore from 300menmarch.com run by corcommunity.com a.k.a. keycenters.org , no form 990; homicide charges from Marilyn Mosby, married to Council member Nick Mosby, $5k from Gray black elite family attorney Billy Murphy, to CNN: “we’re enthusiastic about the new prosecutor”, “80% severed spinal cord, and three broken vertebrae, and that’s not good”, guilty cop promotions; Murphy a Bob Ehrlich supporter, Obama jokes about Martin O’Malley candidacy, corrupt “humbles” arrests under O’Malley |
0:38:44 | John “projectile dick” Kasich election bid, David Wildstein bridgegate guilty plea |
0:42:06 | Columbia linguistics professor: “black people saying thug is not like white people saying thug”; poverty’s deleterious effects on brain development, phone video of Billy Murphy on HIV spread in jail, Bill Gates’ father the eugenicist; Sharpton calls for Justice Department to step in |
1:02:08 | Producer Segment |
1:14:27 | Jon Huntsman’s Republican debate tā bù tài liǎojiě zhège qíngxíng; Obama thanks Shinzo Abe for karate, karaoke, manga, anime, and emoji |
1:18:30 | L.A. County sheriff’s $700k for profiling; Pakistan drops drone strike charges against CIA chief |
1:20:05 | Harf calls out Azerbaijan for imprisoned bloggers “Free the Press” campaign: “the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention considers his detention arbitrary”; Ankara Mayor’s “come on blonde answer now” tweet; The Matt and Marie Show: “given that you have vast experience in the social media realm” |
1:32:10 | Cameron: “this is a real career-defining… country-defining election” |
1:36:21 | Obama initiative for free e-books for low income children; Project Gutenburg, Tom Swift |
1:39:30 | States moving to restrict police filming by citizen journalists, JCD recommends Nightcrawler |
1:47:32 | Warren Buffett on predatory lending accusations; retirees paying $300k for $25k mobile home |
1:54:21 | Austin Indiana AIDS epidemic due to pain killer reformulation |
1:56:26 | Matt Salmon on tunnel from Mexico, ISIS camps near border, Comey: “nonsense” |
2:01:20 | Donation Segment |
2:15:00 | Dreamliner software “glitch”; Richard Quest on German Airbus spying; Field McConnell Germanwings crash analysis, impossibility of hand-flying straight at 400 knots, remote control via uninterruptible autopilot first seen in Lufthansa, Mirage shoot-down, Abel Danger connection |
2:36:56 | Milan Expo opens in face of protests, World’s Fairs no longer in vogue with Americans |
2:42:42 | Another year of service for A-10 Warthog; Boko Haram releasing 200 girls; CDC on possible ebola sexual transmission from survivor |
2:46:09 | Tech News: iPhone not correcting isolated “s” to “a”; Tesla Powerwall, Li-ion batteries restricted by law to AA-size, JCD predicts Tesla factory will burn to the ground |
2:53:21 | U2’s album Songs of Innocence pushed by Apple deemed gay propaganda in Russia |
2:55:21 | Bernie Sanders announces candidacy: “that’s not raising an issue, that is winning an election” |