0:00:00 | ACC: “You wrote it down and you didn’t catch yourself?” (0:13:28 ) |
0:00:33 | Cities converting traffic lanes to bike lanes, US bell-less bicycles; ACC’s “douchebag beard”, CVC: “beards are push-up bras for men”, Movember; ACC’s Nokia E71 lost at Yellow Rose, text messaging No Agenda style, Hillary phone photo; Newsletter “whatever the case” |
0:13:29 | New moral self-licensing challenge: eating limes for Lyme disease, JCD: “we’ll know it caught on if Leo does it”; Leo’s TWiT “yeah no” gripe, ACC won the New Screen Savers bet |
0:17:21 | Six Minnesota idiots arrested for trying to join “the Islamic State Group”; Bill Clinton: “ISIS is a terrorist organization, an NGO” (CotD) |
0:22:41 | Jeh Johnson at RSA Conference: “cyber-security must be a partnership between government and those of you in the private sector”, National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center, the “NCCIC floor”, “capability to automate publication of cyber-threat indicators in a machine readable format”, ACC: “they’ve made an RSS feed!” |
0:40:34 | Revolving-door US Digital Service, immunity to “civil and criminal liability” for information sharing; private Information Sharing and Analysis Organizations; Secret Service investigates cybercrime, Vladimir Drinkman, Coast Guard, “I’m determined to root out any turf battles”, “I have an ask” on encryption; State Department’s Heather Higginbottom: “we are attacked every day, thousands of times a day” |
0:57:52 | Producer Segment |
1:14:54 | Crackpot Jade Helm Walmart closing theories; insider: fiber & network plumbing, remodel |
1:21:30 | EU accuses Gazprom of price gouging, NPR cuts out discussion of alternative Yamal-Europe Pipeline; terrorist attack thwarted in Paris, “fighting off the virus of Islamic violent extremism” |
1:28:25 | Ohio “hero cop” hailed for not shooting murder suspect on body-cam, Taser poised to profit |
1:34:31 | Michelle Obama unable to answer how long she’s been married |
1:35:35 | Students in Ohio passing test with subpar reading proficiency, 96% pass rate; Pearson STAR test “glitch” in Texas, Los Angeles cancels $1.3bn Pearson/iPad curriculum |
1:42:14 | Nurse Tracy reports ICD-10 M23.90 including “locked knee” |
1:43:20 | Radioactive drone found on Japanese Prime Minister’s office roof; South Korean OPCON handoff delayed until 2020; Japanese missile launch |
1:47:36 | CNBC bullish on oil: “I think we see sixty dollars before we see fifty dollars again” |
1:48:55 | Louisiana House Bill 195 prohibiting cash transactions for secondhand goods; J.P. Morgan prohibits cash in safe deposit boxes |
1:54:32 | Walmart “empty shelves” YouTube clip, police around “perimeter” |
1:58:04 | Lynch confirmed after Obama “enough”; Samantha Power in 2008: Obama a “true friend of the Armenian people” |
2:02:01 | Snoring man stabbed with pen in “air rage” incident |
2:07:21 | Yanis Varoufakis: no expulsion from EU for Greece; Greek An Honest Liar documentarian: we want the drachma back, interview for MTV documentary; ACC’s P.O. Box bonanza |
2:16:19 | Donation Segment: posthumous Damehood for Crash Helmet Kathy |
2:28:56 | Morsi sentenced to 20 years; “Mediterranean migrant” vs refugee meme |
2:33:45 | Earth Day “calling all humans” myearthpledge.com message |
2:36:33 | FBI lab hair analysis, Innocence Project, potential Obama pardon bonanza or anti death penalty move, no manslaughter charges; Freddie Gray death, $5M compensation fund |
2:44:33 | The tomtato: a tomato/potato graft |