0:00:00 | JCD: “Yeah, Austin seems like a stretch.” |
0:00:33 | 714 Jack Webb’s badge number; Chicago’s $5M settlement for Laquon McDonald’s family, $5.5M reparation fund for suspects tortured under Jon Burge; demonstrations over Armenian genocide centennial, Obama can’t acknowledge because of Turkish pipeline |
0:06:43 | JCD on Haitian Über segment: bogus zanmann almond |
0:08:48 | ACC lost in Vegas demolition zone, nearly missed flight; Bandana Ball rehearsal hail storm |
0:13:25 | New Star Wars trailer a nice distraction from WikiLeaks Sony e-mail repository, cozy Jarrett/Linton messages, RAND Corporation Politics Aside convention, Linton “opportunity for you” to Carney, military sexual assault PSA celebrity recruiting, Jarrett on Finding Your Roots, Democracy Now backgrounder, 100 government e-mail addresses in archive; MPAA and Nesbitt & Whitaker |
0:27:13 | NBC’s Richard Engel busted for fake 2012 kidnapping supposedly by Assad’s Shabiha militia, role of Free Syrian Army revealed; “Angry Arab” As’ad AbuKhalil: “I was skeptical about the entire enterprise of Western journalistic coverage of Syria”, FSA “criminal gangs and thugs”, “war lobby” for American involvement, Engel’s propaganda video in front of fresh-painted wall with green spray paint, shabiha colloquialism for “thug”; Engel’s award list |
0:40:43 | McCain “do you agree” question on North Korean mobile warhead system, “unpredictability of this overweight young man in North Korea” |
0:47:10 | Earth Day coming up Wednesday; Austin to regulate smoke from food trucks; Bill Maher: global cooling in “one article in Newsweek”, the “Dewey Defeats Truman of science”; Pope to issue encyclical, to meet Ban “insurance for the planet” Ki-moon; Obama Earth Day podcast |
1:02:33 | Producer Segment: how to become a Black Knight; $222.22 “row of ducks” |
1:28:45 | Homophobic Siri in Russia |
1:32:43 | Über spies when boot-shopping: Southern Nigeria has the oil, Christian minority, President-elect Buhari from the North; migrants throwing Christians overboard |
1:41:28 | Minimum wage protests at 157 Central Park West; Walmart closings over plumbing issues, Jade Helm 2015 DHS tunnels theory, unionization theory, privatization theory, JCD minimum wage inflation theory: $15 per hour “a steal”, comparison with car prices |
1:52:04 | Outernet project propaganda outlet for Soros’ Open Society Institute |
1:55:07 | O-bots on Harry Reid beaten up by mob, Ted Cruz supposedly pushing religion; Bill Clinton’s impending martyrdom, Warren may jump in if “drafted”, Harvey Keitel: “she deserves the job if she wants it”, America Rising Hillary hit piece; JCD: Scott Walker will win in 2020 |
2:08:50 | Donation Segment: ACC’s NASCAR experience, limoncello gifts |
2:22:46 | Homeschooling demographics; JMD’s job grinding up rabbits; Detroit homeschooling double murder an excuse for more intrusion; Long Island superintendent on supporting Common Core opt-out: “legally I can’t” |
2:31:20 | Über spies part deux: Jordanian driver, Iran “the worst of the worst”, explanation of Sunni vs Shia, Israeli brainwashing, prophesied Middle East war with Russia; JCD on the origin of Muhammad Ali’s name |
2:40:02 | Former IMF head Rodrigo Rato arrested for money laundering; Greece joining AIIB rumor |
2:42:49 | Autogyro pilot alerted Tampa Bay Times about plan; Capitol “tax the 1%” suicide |
2:45:00 | Hillary’s changing position on gay marriage |