0:00:00 | JCD: “They don’t know anything, they’re idiots!” |
0:00:33 | ACC Gitmo Nation Lowlands report: visit to Lex’ country house, dinner with Patricia, Lex’ wife’s Iram report, Mike Morell centrifuges revisited; tadik rice |
0:07:43 | Feinstein on ISIS: “I think this is going to go on and on and on”, “enduring language”, “lowjistiks”, Iran’s “major role”, “you cannot settle Syria and leave Assad in power”, necessity of nuclear agreement, Netanyahu’s actions not those of an ally; Kerry: we can’t “knock out” ISIS and just leave, “kinetic activities”; Lex weighs in on burning man video; new video with Glock 21 wielding kid, Dawlat Al Islam Qamat music, JCD: “you’re self-radicalization yourself; put your pants back on”, JCD recommends All’s Quiet on the Western Front |
0:25:08 | Christopher Lee Cornell interview on Ohio local station, “we want to show you what the Feds want to see, and what his attorneys don’t want you to see”, “it was a mix of both of our ideas”, “we’re in Texas”, planned attack on Israeli embassy; next cycle at tax time |
0:45:02 | Kerry responds to heckling Code Pink guy; ACLJ’s Jay Sekulow: ISIS “as toxic as the Nazis”; JCD: authors of Iran letters will “sneak out the back door”; Sky News ISIS translator on beheadee calmness due to routine execution rehearsals |
0:59:29 | Farage’s response to Juncker’s call for EU army, Eurocorps “virtually goose-stepping that ghastly flag ’round the courtyard”, global military spending breakdown, “Mr. Verhofstadt I know that by heckling you increase your hits on YouTube”; US “red line” wargames and Russian planes in the Baltics; ACC on Dutch train conductors getting beaten up; No Agenda subversive comment skit |
1:19:31 | Producer Segment: Letterman “33 years”, Women’s Day joke; McDonald’s kale |
1:45:20 | Hillary Rosen: “the only reason we can even judge these countries is because of the total transparency of the Clinton Foundation”, JCD explains “scathing report” extortion racket, Clinton explains employee mail maintenance responsibility, JCD on e-mail archives; Matt Lee on Russian hacker access to State Department, Psaki: “there are thousands of attacks we deal with every day”; Hillary’s iPhone and BlackBerry; Feinstein on “unclear” regulations |
2:06:21 | School walkouts over Common Core PARCC tests, JCD teacher firing walkout story, eloquent 12-year-old Raisa Rubin-Stankiewicz explaining issues with test; 11-hour testing session, technical issues; promotional video: “the old standardized test merely evaluated Tommy’s ability to memorize basic facts”; Common Core third grade sample test propaganda; “what the tests primarily measure is the wealth of their families”; $1.4bn Lumina Foundation Form 990 analysis: investment vehicle/drinking club; hedge funds betting on charter schools |
2:30:10 | Obama on student loans: “let’s just give the money directly to the students”, “then we fought to keep interest rates on student loans low”, 10% of income repayment cap, “student aid bill of rights” (CotD), ACC: “sehr gut, Herr Obama” |
2:37:56 | Record drug price rise, hepatitis C drug costing $80k for 12 weeks; usury law repeal |
2:42:52 | Donation Segment |
2:53:31 | Dollar vs euro; Gigaom woes |
2:54:12 | Tech News: Tim Cook, “you can receive calls on your watch!”, return of Morse code: haptic feedback; tumors from ubiquitous microwaves; Visa refrigerator ads; gold Apple Watch = douchebag alert; producer on Siri being activated by “Syria”; Oracle catamaran seized |
3:02:40 | New Yorker MH370 article: Putin did it |
3:04:37 | CIA trying to break into Apple products, including Xcode |