Call Clooney!

699 50 Shades of Terror (2015-02-26)

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0:00:00JCD: “This is designed for porn.”
0:00:33JCD’s Red Book Brian Williams suicide in The Globe; “Typhoid” Mary Mallon
0:06:00Jeh Johnson threatens Mall of America over DHS defunding: “you’ve got to be vigilant”, “if you see something say something” revamp, “if anyone is planning to go to the Mall of America today they’ve got to be particularly careful”, Josh Earnest’s damage-control talking points: “vigilant”, “no credible plot”; Johnson: “whole-of-government approach”; Barbara Mikulski on grants “to our local law enforcement, and to our local fire department, who are on the first scene, any scene, twenty-four… seven”; CNN student news on al-Shabaab
0:26:15Six-Week Cycle: Comey’s 50 states; New York, Florida lone wolves picked up for “plotting to travel”, “maybe hijack a plane to Syria”, “bomb Coney Island”, Obama threats on “Uzbek web site”; “Tina” Perino on Netanyahu politics; retired John Allen on ISIL’s leadership reduction: “we actually do have pretty good intelligence on this matter”, “accretion versus degradation ratio” question, “the numbers are up because we’re now tracking the numbers in ways we haven’t before”, “decimation” plan; ISIL cage video with keys dangling from lock; Fox reaction to Kerry’s “less threat … today” statement: “tell that to the families of the Americans that were beheaded by ISIS”
0:53:28Kerry requests more anti-RT propaganda money; RT responds with budget comparison; Krauthammer’s final dig: “wait until Iran has the bomb”; Miss USA “we need to kill them”
0:57:33Lindsey Graham all-in on DHS funding bill: “I’ve never seen more terrorist organizations”; Disney anti-Nazi propaganda film on Youtube
1:00:31Producer Segment: JCD on speech recognition: “format drive C!”
1:21:50Producer note on five-year-old threatened with suspension over finger gun
1:24:00FCC net neutrality vote today; usenet’s historical anti-commercial attitude; Ford Foundation, “free and open internet”; ACC: “for all your porn needs, type in porn need, space, Tumblr”, CEO on AT&T expenditures: “it’s just not true, it’s just been disproven”, flat-footed fail; Mark Cuban’s $5.7bn redirect; Red Book: thrown out or endless litigation
1:42:56Ancil Payne Awards for Ethics in Journalism; Ellen Pao Kleiner Perkins lawsuit, Segways and flaming Fiskers, ACC story on receptionist angling for lawsuit fodder; IPCC chair Rajendra Pachauri resignation, ACC reads from his adult novel Return to Almora; GlacierGate
2:06:16Donation Segment: Newsletter easter egg hunts; listeners falling overboard
2:19:54The Guardian podcast: “climate change research, that’s where the money is”
2:21:28Merkel-Putin closed-door meeting, minor win on Lithuanian weapons cancellation; Ed Royce: “why do they lie?”, Kerry: “you askin’ me?”, “overt and extensive propaganda exercise”, Nuland on RT: “to understand what happens when you broadcast untruths in a media space that is full of dynamic, truthful opinion”; Kerry: “misrepresentations, lies … to my face”; Charlie Rose goes off script with Susan Rice on “eastern flank”
2:30:35Netanyahu’s Congressional address kerfuffle; leaked South African Mossad memos contradicting Netanyahu’s Iran warnings; Bertha Foundation-funded films; Israel’s water-sucking plant
2:42:55Rahm Emmanuel’s run-off with Jesús “Chuy” Garcia, JCD on Mexican takeover of Chicago
2:46:39Ken Silverstein leaving First Look Media, Ronan Farrow fired
2:47:25European energy union to enforce centralized buying; Greek payback agreement PDF leaked, author Declan Costello; Bild NEIN! “greedy Greeks” article; Red Book: Warren or Clinton toss Yellen out, Yellen fesses up about U6 vs U3; Snowden’s girlfriend Lindsay Mills at Oscars