0:00:00 | ACC: “Aagh, hold on, he told us and then it happened, oh my God, it’s amazing how that works!” (0:58:24 ) |
0:00:34 | Vaccine-induced mumps in Pacific Northwest; JCD’s Comcast squirrel woes fixed, ACC: “these fuckers are worse than ISIS”; “we need to kill them” Colonel Bogey March |
0:04:36 | ACC in New York City’s Hotel Pennsylvania with tiny bed, window stuck open; snowmaggedon flight cancellation disruption; police tape over hotel doors; data limits and tethering; I Can Make You A Supermodel and Ugly George; Book of Mormon; ACC move to NYC logistics |
0:21:41 | Everyone using Houthies /ˈhu.θiz/ pronunciation now; “scattered reports of beatings and even stabbings”, “they’re trying desperately to reach out to the United States”, “death to America” slogan, “that’s just a slogan, we don’t mean it literally” |
0:36:12 | Obama’s proposed AUMF: “inherent right of individual and collective self-defense”; 3-year term; “enduring offensive ground combat operations” not authorized, Operation Enduring Freedom’s 13 years; “associated persons or forces” broadly defined |
0:49:22 | Video experts on burning man as Hollywood re-enactment; Producer Nathan on Twixtor vector stretching in slow-motion; Assad’s Russia invitation; Kirby on Abdul Rauf droning: “he decided to swear allegiance to ISIL probably no more than a couple of weeks ago”; 20k foreign fighters meme; Michael Steinbach: “legitimate citizens’ traveling abroad is not something that we choose to curtail”, JCD: “why don’t we just find these 150 people and give ’em ten grand each and tell ’em to stay home?”; Anonymous ISIL social media takedown, ACC: “pick one slogan!”; history of The Jon Stewart Show; Rand Paul blames Hillary Clinton |
1:18:34 | Producer Segment: “jipped” alternative spelling; No Agenda CD companion disc |
1:42:28 | Ukraine: Carol CNN apologizes for “Obama considers arming pro-US troops” banner; McCain pushes sending “defensive arms”; Munich Security Summit, “Normandy format” talks; Putin on surrounded Ukrainian troops; Merkel at White House, Obama: “these are the facts”; Dutch MH17 documents, 19 of 254 to be released heavily redacted; Cyprus allowing Russian military in; McCain on cluster bombs: “it’s partially our fault”; new Black Sea gas pipeline |
2:01:25 | Greece: Lagarde to reconsider Greek bailout proposal; toxic Greek bonds; cluster bombs only forbidden against civilians; Greek bailout expiration, Six-Week Cycle at end of February |
2:08:25 | Rachel Maddow calls out the NBC execs for not coming on MSNBC about Brian Williams suspension; Lester Holt: “rooting for him”; The Today Show “best wishes”, “truth and transparency is our trade”; Joe Scarborough: “it is fair to say, looking straight into the camera, I’ve seen a lot, I know a lot”; fabricated Sochi phone hacking story; Red Book: suicide |
2:21:01 | Donation Segment: Newsletter outrage over missing ACC selfie; Hotel Pennsylvania selfies |
2:35:56 | California Psychics as sign of depression cycle; No Agenda Psychic Friends Network skit |
2:41:06 | Second Half of Show: Neil Armstrong’s camera found |
2:44:24 | Transitioning from “fighting” to “extinguishing” ebola; Patty Murray shilling for vaccine manufacturers: “we need to be vigilant about breaking down any barriers that families may face when it comes to accessing certain vaccines”, CDC numbers on HPV vaccine take-up rates |
2:49:04 | Keystone pipeline bill passes both chambers, veto predicted; Psaki’s breast morphology revisited; Matt Lee on agency recommendation submissions, “what happened to this transparency idea?”, ACC: “he’s just saying, jeez, lady, your boobs are on your back and you’re talking crap” |
2:54:02 | New York City arrest for police & gun emoji post; UK anti-Semitism ASBOs, “wherever you spread hate, that’s not going to be legal” |