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693 Kunzite (2015-02-05)

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0:00:00bell, JCD: “Okay … we’re stopping the show, and we’re going to talk about this.” (1:35:53)
0:00:37ACC admits to being a neat freak; reaction to Hot Pockets: The Tourette’s Tour
0:07:02New ISIS “burning man” video; professionals: very expensive production; new Jordanian uniforms, pilot’s slow motion walk to cage; Red Book: Assad falling to Jordan; Jordan’s King in D.C., Armed Forces Committee chair: Jordan’s need for “fuel, and munitions, and equipment” quickly, “reclaim the Muslim religion”; Wag the Dog vs burning scene, ACC: “if we had made that at Mevio we’d be like, high-fivin’”, Siskel & Ebert “dog of the week”; Brian the Gay Crusader points out Max Headroom episode similarity
0:25:28McCain on missing American leadership; Syria’s neighbors’ boots on the ground meme; Andy Carvin post: “there is no way in Hell I am going to share this footage with the public”; Kirby: “it’s not tit for tat”; CIA guy: “the way it was released” skirting SITE connection, “very sophisticated special effects in this video”, “now using those skills to that regard”; Josh Earnest: “commend to your attention”, “process that’s been informed by experts”, “put forward a report today”, White House half-uptalk, “we’ll help chart a path forward”
0:45:54Ashton Carter in confirmation hearing: “moderate Syrian forces and regional forces”
0:51:17Secret Agent Paul’s Magical Shape-Shifting Jews jingle
0:53:03Producer Segment: “sanity” in check memo; new No Agenda CD *This Week in Syria“
1:10:29Koch brothers anti-Vietnam libertarian origins
1:11:40American Heart Month, National Wear Red Day, African-American History Month, National Teen Dating Violence Awareness & Prevention Month
1:14:41Josh Earnest on measles: “we don’t need a new law, we need people to exercise common sense”; Rand Paul kookification, “the natural crowd”; distraction from ineffective flu vaccine; Rand Paul’s strange voice; Roald Dahl’s daughter Olivia; Producer Nick’s friend’s ebola story
1:29:38Japanese Producer on ISIS hostages in manga: “aren’t you responsible?”
1:32:43Super Bowl “gyp” fight over unplanned interception
1:35:46ACC’s crystal class, kunzite & rhodochrocite; crystal for JCD to eliminate “yeah no”
1:42:22Brian Williams’ RPG lie as Hillary Clinton callback, “I made a mistake in recalling the events of twelve years ago”; lie repeated on Letterman in 2013; Williams’ cosmetic surgery origin
1:48:07Anthem database hack; electronic medical record mandate; White House CTO Megan Smith’s Digital Service promo video: “scrubbed in together on these fabulous cross-functional teams”; Anthem indemnification through sharing agreement; Pelosi: “they’re baaaying at the Moon”
2:00:06Donation Segment: JCD drone on the ceiling story; dating app Facebook woes
2:15:05Six-Week Cycle due on March 1; FBI’s Thomas Fuentes: “you’re not going to submit the proposal that we won the war on terror … because the first thing that’s going to happen is your budget’s gonna be cut in half”, “keep fear alive”
2:16:18Debbie Wasserman Schultz on Jews’ “problem of assimilation”, anti-Semitism
2:18:23Greek Minister of Finance Yanis “Dr. Doom” Varoufakis economist-in-residence at Valve
2:21:58Hollywood Whackers, Randy Quaid video: “falsely arrested six times by TMZ”, “so Rupert, you wanna fuck me, I’m gonna fuck you”
2:28:28Ross Ulbricht conviction: “an investigation that took place almost entirely online”
2:34:59Putin has Asperger’s; Chasing the Scream’s author on marijuana legalization in Uruguay
2:40:34Witches in Tanzania; The Imitation Game’s single mention of Polish cryptographers
2:43:03Tom Wheeler on Title 2: “ongoing rules, in perpetuity”, “bright line rules”