0:00:00 | JCD: “Ah, they had some really cool pictures of you with this hooker.” (2:08:46 ) |
0:00:35 | JCD’s lingering flu cough, ACC’s sore throat exacerbated by chocolate |
0:02:15 | France on board for the police state; Nigel Farage: “what happened in Paris today is a result … of now having a fifth column living within these countries”, Madeline Albright on Czechoslovakian fifth column; Eastern European criminals being flown into UK; MSNBC on “racist and xenophobic” far-right parties in Europe; man on the street: “I don’t feel safe”; Hayat Boumeddiene crossbow photo; million-person “unity rally”; policeman’s brother: “he was killed by people who pretend to be Muslims”, no dead terrorist photos; Netanyahu: “the state of Israel is also your home”; James Kirchick on future of French Jews, modernity meme |
0:26:18 | Sleeper cells activated, police social media blackout; Mike Rogers: “candidly, it is a matter of time before something like that happens in the United States”; no-fly list meme; Ed Schultz on rethinking objections to militarized police; Brzezinski call for appeasement: “it doesn’t do any harm to be measured, even in humor” for those who are “confronting modernity for the first time” |
0:38:33 | JCD recommends The Living Daylights; ACC recommends The Arabs: A Short History by Hitti; police chief Helric Fredou suicide; ACC: “you’re next Holland”; JCD Robert Crumb story, Muhammed’s ass cartoon |
0:57:30 | Producer Segment: chicken shit bingo in Austin; NA karma as Papal indulgence |
1:14:09 | JCD bicyclist near-miss; decades to get bicycling culture entrenched in US |
1:22:00 | Obama podcast: “America’s resurgence is real”, “It’s real!” |
1:24:02 | RT’s Merkel/Putin deconstruction: Merkel’s sights on UN Secretary-Generalship |
1:28:03 | Radio Liberty on driver’s license non-issuance for transsexuals among others, Russian Federation 16440, WHO ICD-10 behavioral disorders excluding LGBBTQQIAAP |
1:36:14 | Germany’s post-Fukushima nuclear and coal shutdowns, high energy prices; Bernie Sanders nuclear question; Germany eying natural gas imports, BASF $5bn US facilities |
1:45:49 | Iran in the EU gas race with Iran-Azerbaijan pipeline; Elizabeth Warren on Keystone: “I didn’t come here to do favors for TransCanada” |
1:58:01 | CISPA revival; RT on FBI spying in public places; FBI blackmail history; Comey’s “big ass business” background, Bridgewater, HSBC; blackmail always involves hookers |
2:09:58 | ISIS tweet geotagging; Let’s Get Social earworms |
2:15:42 | Donation Segment |
2:30:19 | Twitter data, including photos, in Library of Congress |
2:32:31 | Boston chosen as Olympic bid city; Tokyo building new stadium for 2020 |
2:36:13 | Dame Bang Bang research on Über driver crackdown |
2:38:16 | Israel considering breaking up Leviathan gas field partnership; Texas fracking bankruptcy |
2:42:18 | Drug Policy Alliance report on Colorado legalization: “decrease in crime rates, a decrease in crime rates … and an increase in jobs” |
2:43:48 | FBI seeking charges against Petraeus, possible book on Benghazi |
2:45:41 | Puffin-eating chef Tom Kerridge, JCD: “how could anyone eat one of those puffins?”; puffin terducken; California foie gras ban struck down |
2:50:22 | Sanford Rubenstein rape claim after Sharpton’s birthday, Viagra bottle bearing Sharpton’s name |