Call Clooney!

683 Team Taylor (2015-01-01)

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0:00:00JCD: “Get some rockets, we’ll give you some rockets!” (0:47:39)
0:00:32Happy New Year: freezing rain in Austin, ACC Über trip to party in the hills with fracking nouveau riche, big box of weed, queso “West Texas magic sauce”, homemade Louisiana terducken, originated by New Orleans surgeon; French oyster tradition; black Über driver on current politics
0:17:30Jason Riley on left not trying to be post-racial; JCD on interview photo shoots: “just say no”; Ben Carson Uncle Tom’s Cabin reflections
0:26:48New Year’s Eve then & now: no public toilets vs “bomb-sniffing dogs and radiation detectors”; ACC 1987 live from Times Squarecrowd story with Paul Reiser; JCD airplane backpack pushing, “get that backpack out of my face!”, purse-size backpack subway tomato juice story
0:38:01Lithuania joins euro; Greek parliament dissolved; KPMG, VAT collection systems for internet sales, two-hour line at airport for VAT refund; Lithuania seeking protection from Russia, and possibly rockets
0:47:45Producer Segment: noise gate vs Bluetooth speakers
1:17:57CNN AirAsia coverage, with Richard Quest on meth; coffins 001 and 002; ADBS 6k feet per minute nose-dive; cumulonimbus clouds, ACC: “that, son, is something you do not fly into, ever”; mysterious rumors of data-recorder’s limited usefulness; JCD on pleasant cloud-evading flight; meth & benzedrine
1:27:21Liberty Kids show: “give us Black Dick and we fear nothing”; ACC Nobu “black cock”
1:29:21Feinstein “next three to six months” revisited, Blair: “an attempted attack, the priority is certain”; January 2012 fearmongering over Iran and Strait of Hormuz: “this situation could escalate very, very quickly into full-blown military conflict”
1:34:29Guess the Word of the Year 2014: Jake Gyllenhaal: “the fact that it works … is such an amazing feeling, and the fact that it gets acknowledged anyway is pretty amazing … my sister got nominated too, so that’s pretty amazing”
1:36:57Kim Jong-un’s actual voice on reunification talks; State Department’s Jeff Rathke on Norse’s FBI brief; Norse boards; “Dark Viking”, “watch live attacks” map page, JCD: “this is one of the best web pages ever”; FBI warning about anonymous USPER2 news organization, Wall Street Journal on Sony phone tree; Regin exploit official pronunciation, another US/Israel project, Symantec on target industries; North Korea outage confirmed
2:03:02No Agenda sacred texts, JCD: “The Merck Index”, Quigley Tragedy and Hope
2:09:22Bill Kibble on 2014’s record high temperatures vs polar vortex and “wood and kindlin’” yokel; women object to NA ridicule, ACC on Australian woman at party “gun culture” freakout
2:16:50Bones: “I ran the typeface through the Library of Congress database”; Scorpion numbers
2:20:19Donation Segment: “measure” /ˈme.ʒɹ̩/, “poem” /ˈpo͜u.ɛm/ pronunciations
2:38:402013 clip: obesity saves lives, “that has to be utter @#$%&!, excuse my French”
2:42:12Mat Lee to State Department Press Office Director on Hamas representative’s Turkey visit: “is that the extent of it, you just say we’re concerned?”
2:46:52Bowe Bergdahl and poppy kingpin; NATO drug dealer kill list; No Agenda sacred movies
2:50:23NSA: encryption combinations “catastrophic”, ACC recommends GPG Tools and; Appelbaum & Poitras in Der Spiegel; Berlin Chaos conference
2:56:23Gazprom’s 50% stake in Dutch South Stream Transport BV; Academi to train Ukraine military in urban combat; meme of the day: “Putin goes medieval”, JCD: “is he eating terducken?”