0:00:00 | JCD: “I’m shakin’ in my boots now.” (0:42:06 ) |
0:00:34 | ACC’s wind machine on-location news summary |
0:01:47 | The Bill Cosby hit job: drugged women waking up exactly when being undressed; Ferguson and Zwarte Piet connection; Cosby removal needed to propagate a race war; I Spy intelligence connection; Cosby’s half-million-per-night earnings story |
0:07:22 | ACC once again denied TSA Pre✓, useless tweet reply |
0:12:25 | Don Lemon to Joan Tarshis on “the using of the teeth”, ACC: “thanks, Don, for the tip” |
0:16:10 | And Now Back to Real News: NBC attributes warming lull to small volcanic eruptions; White House “ask Dr. H” questions for Holdren, toolkit.climate.gov ; IBM Watson at NOAA |
0:22:52 | Keystone pipeline vote: Barbara “I need a ride home” Boxer’s Photoshopped refinery with impossible black smoke, “the dirtiest oil that we know of”, “all we hear is jobs jobs jobs”, “big oil, big coal, or the Koch brothers”; clueless Elizabeth Warren interrupted by Lakota prayer: “Sergeant at Arms will restore order” |
0:36:33 | Chambliss on Leahy amendment telecom metadata access: “thousands of opportunities for the privacy rights of Americans to be breached”, “if it’s Americans they’re trying to recruit, we can find out about that”, ACC: “John, are you committed to jee-had?”; NSA blackmail |
0:45:05 | Six-hour Uncle Don talk: NSA “take everything” culture, Snowden empathy; Pacific Century Institute for business with North Korea, serious about tourism; Matthew Todd Miller “spook wannabe”; Gregg a Kim Jong-un fan; Kerry: “the more you know the guy the less I like him” |
0:56:28 | Producer Segment: new John Fletcher “Black Pete!”, “Bill O’Reilly!” clips |
1:12:19 | Uncle Don: Kerry derailed leap day agreement, US upcoming operational control pullout, “military-industrial complex”; Obama takes credit for Bae release through Clapper; “tortured some folks” outrage; Ms. Micky: “you know anybody in Panama?”; Kagans: “I don’t like ’em”; Russia building in North Korea, Russian patriotism, reckless NATO expansion; pre-baked China 2030 agreement; ISIS beheadings; Bobby Inman intro |
1:32:26 | Scorpion: “they had an override Word macro trigger to delete it” |
1:35:00 | Heidi Heitkamp: “over two million miles of pipelines in America today”; Sheldon Whitehouse: “you will see houses smashed to flinders”; Congressional Apple investments; Ed Markey: “we’re going to build a pipeline for the Canadians so they can use us as a straw?”, China tar sand investments; Jon Walsh on Montana oil “on-ramp”; James Bond pipeline pig |
1:45:33 | Upcoming film Boston Strong; cancelled ABC show Selfie; Congressional hearing on Secret Service: White House moat; Gwen Ifill on Washington school arming its officials |
1:53:00 | CNBC on Denver “a lot of people smoking a lot of pot”, “the reality is, it is a gateway drug” |
1:53:55 | Donation Segment |
2:07:50 | Peter/Abdul-Rahman Kassig beheading; SERA International, Conscience International, USAID funding chain; Kassig affiliated with “killing machine” JSOC, McChrystal; Wes Clark on seven as Soviet client state cleanup; Iran to sell natural gas to EU via Azerbaijan; Halliburton to buy Baker Hughes; no gold in Ukrainian vaults; Polish apple industry suffering, Polish visas, ACC: DHS “Hitler-esque assholes”; Russia sanctions an attack on EU economy |
2:38:29 | “Sunday all Hell breaks loose” in Ferguson |
2:39:13 | Tech news: Über hit job, #deleteuber ; Google SPDY; Robert Ballecer on internet meanness: “that explains Adam Curry” |
2:49:12 | Water to no longer be free in Ireland; Barbara Boxer NRC hissy fit; atomicinsights.com |